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Photoshop Contest Entry #27972

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scouting scouting
bad boy!
Vaughan Vaughan
Very good composition!
GForce GForce
hahaha nice !
scrolbar scrolbar
leif leif
alzeke alzeke
you used to do that as a kid didn't you?
illnic illnic
metalic metalic
nice details.
deseado deseado
R@tty R@tty
LOL! owie!
nancers nancers
It's all there!
volkswes volkswes
dewking dewking
This vote brought to you by the letter F.
Showcase Showcase
Nice Job
occecid occecid
vry nice blend of the images
Obernik Obernik
yourmom yourmom
make him hurt!
chrispis chrispis
you are a bit strange,... aren't you? ;)
16ozBud 16ozBud
bluefist bluefist
bzimm bzimm
Chimera Chimera
vslmix vslmix
Chukn8r Chukn8r


jerry717 jerry717
This is made from 5 different images. Hands, Mag. Sidwalk, Beetle and Safty pin.
dewking dewking
so you want us to feel bad for you or somethin'? :) nice work...
jerry717 jerry717
No dewking ;-) I just didn't want anyone to think that I just added the saftypin. (...and it makes me appear more twisted) ;-)
bzimm bzimm
I think one thing you may have overlooked was the distortion that the magnifying glass would have had on the clip instead of just making it slightly bigger. Good Job though. Still early for voting :)
jerry717 jerry717
bzimm...that's a real photograph. It took me an hour to catch that beetle and getting him to hold still while I stuck him ...Oh nevermind
bzimm bzimm
lol, I still voted for it. :) Just a little constructive comment which is what I totally expect of my work from artists like yourself. Good Job.

 Safety Pin Awareness
Safety Pin Awareness zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by jerry717
Created January 19, 2005
25 votes   6 comments
494w x 464h (61KB)

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