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Photoshop Contest Entry #29749

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leif leif
scrolbar scrolbar
volkswes volkswes
any pic with Liberace is funny
thbeghin thbeghin
volkswes is right!
alzeke alzeke
that's great
mezopunk mezopunk
how do you see this crap???!!
bluefist bluefist
This is one of the most wonderful things I’ve seen today.
afnan afnan
great idea
chrispis chrispis
ironmc43 ironmc43
Fitzwell Fitzwell
very nice.
illnic illnic
xovlov xovlov
ear delicious!
bluevet bluevet
I don't really have a short attention span it's just that sometimes... ooo look... a chicken!
thecount thecount
...what volkwes said. :)
16ozBud 16ozBud
three hundred million years ago in the center of the universe seven mages decided that before they died all of there power should be transferred into a single object of infinite destructive capabilities. So they killed themselves and siphoned all of there energy into a vial of blue liquid. unfortunetly the vial was stolen and taken to the planet earth where this guy kind of lost it in a field with animals an shit. then a light shown from the heavens on a lone donkey grazing peacefully. Whats this? he found the vial and drank the blue liquid!!!! HOLLYYY FUUUUUCK! his body surged with the power of a thousand supernovas! In order to contain the massive raw strength, nano robots constructed a basic frame and added stabilizing materiales to keep donkey from exploding. Ten years passed..... Robert a small time farmer was walking down the road and thought he would rest in this small field. When he got closer he smelled the stench of a hundred various dead animals. upon closer inspection the rabbits and cows were all burnt into pieces. the flesh was singed in exact straight cuts like nothing robret had ever seen. donkey sensed an intruder immedaieatly and paused from eating grass to look around. This donkey had the ability to destroy the universe seven times over and it is just eating grass. what the fuck is wrong with me and this retarded robo donkey shit i am fucked in the head. Robert saw donkey standing there and felt a shiver run down his spine he could sense that he was completely outclassed by this titan warlord. "dont think you can just run away after laying your eyes on me!" roared donkey. "MUAAHG I RUNN!!!"shouted farmer robert as streams of diahrea ran down his legs in panic. "LASER BEAM OF THE SEVEN MAGES!" A red blast shot from the eye visor and sliced robert into three half roberts. It was time for donkey to make himself know to the world. rocket boosters retracted out of his asshole and soon robo-donkey had reached 50,0000 feet into the air, well above the atmosphere and almost half way to the moon. Using his psychic powers robo-donkey braodcasted his voice to the masses. "Heeeeeee---- Hawwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!" Soon they will recognize me as their world leader thought donkey. At that moment several billion people heard a donkey noise in thier head. Around 30,000 people commited suicide instantly from insanity. Then the donkey raped schoolgirls in an elevator. Each one was impregnated by the super-donkeys seed. using nano enhanced uterus's (uteri?) four robo-donkey human hybrids were developed "OH SWEET LORD IVE MADE A BUNCH OF FREAK BABYS" robo-donkey screamed. "father please accept us we love you."the children pleaded. "NEVER ---- NOW DIE!" robo-donkey kicked backwards and exploded the head of one of the freak babies. the other three fought hard but were ultimately exploded. Robo-donkey had had enough of this world he must leave to the great beyond. in a blink of light he accelerated to the speed of light and flew around the world three trillion times. it was now the year 8000 million B.c. and life was not yet formed on earth. There in a small pond, amino acids and proteins were about to collide and form the basis for all of life. The donkey leaned over and unloaded a huge blast of donkey shit all over the pond. AT that moment a space time paradox occured and the milky way galaxy imploded upon itself with a force greater than the big bang. the black hole formed eventually sucked in the entire universe. THE END
PotHed PotHed
Bad bud.
grejer grejer
Basil Basil
nancers nancers
mealworm mealworm
dewking dewking
see mezos comment
Chukn8r Chukn8r


Chukn8r Chukn8r
Three half Roberts?
DistribuKing DistribuKing
Absolutely great! Still laughing as I write. Well done. (Sorry unable to vote yet, or definately would.)

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by Chicken
Created July 10, 2003
23 votes   2 comments
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