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Photoshop Contest Entry #32281

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chrispis chrispis
ok very nice occy, but as you can see the other reflections of the buildings are darker, why is the 'chopped' building lighter? details bro,... details ;)
Jofcar Jofcar
looks good 2 me ;)
blackfox blackfox
kewl work!
bluefist bluefist
Very nice Occecid. I’d vote EVERY time if they were all like this. Very well done, sir.
skillet skillet
looks very good
G2 G2
very nice!
Hellekro Hellekro
Very nice
nancers nancers
Love the sunlight effect!
dewking dewking
see chris' comment, then punch him in the face... this is nice!
ACass ACass
can I book a reservation?
crzydave crzydave
I likes
illnic illnic
anteater anteater
Wow! This is great!
jerry717 jerry717
spackler spackler
volkswes volkswes
splodge splodge
yeh, wot you said, and wot they said, but just the good bits
leif leif
lockeman lockeman
do you also give PS-lessons?
Looks fantastic to me :-)
MoZub MoZub
alzeke alzeke
the reflection isn't quite right, but this is cool
queen0fbats queen0fbats
pixy pixy
plug plug
nice job
Basil Basil
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Obernik Obernik
bluevet bluevet
betdoval betdoval
34 votes now! Wow! ;)
edesigns edesigns
I love the reflections... you did a very nice job! Beautiful picture, occ.
scrolbar scrolbar
200puls 200puls


base-zum base-zum
What Chris said :)
jerry717 jerry717
If I had to make a critique Occ the face of the light side of the structure could use just a little more light. And I would remove the forground elements in the lower right. They look as if they don't belong.
occecid occecid
Chrispis' comments wer correct but the picture was adusted. However, the original photo had the same color differnce due to the differnt colors in the water. I followed the lead of the original and Crhispis was not aware of that. His comments are alway
jerry717 jerry717
But mine are'nt? ;-)
chrispis chrispis
hahaha jerry :)
occecid occecid
Jerry - good idea. The foreground elements could have been cropped out all together. And yes, your comments are always welcome (feel better now?). I didn't see you're until later. Had to actually do some work.
MoZub MoZub
OCCID: the reflection of the building shouldnt cover the bridge reflection!! geesh. lol sorry... couldnt resist one more "pick" at your post. actually I love it and looked at the picture until I found something to annoy you with!!! ;p
MoZub MoZub
(no offence intended to any other advice givers, I wish I got more advice on MY posts!!.... I just thought picking on occid was the 'cool' thing to do today and felt left out) ;)
chrispis chrispis
LOL Mozub!
occecid occecid
Thanks MoZub *sniff*, but I'm big enough *sniff sniff* to handle it. *sob* *waaaa*.

 Ancient Structure
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 [untitled entry]
by occecid
Created August 05, 2003
35 votes   11 comments
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