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Photoshop Contest Entry #32989

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bluefist bluefist
Yep...guess it is. ;-)
EvilTigr EvilTigr
Hell why not Cookie? Everyone else is. Nice one Dew.
sonnysan sonnysan
LOL great idea !!!
mmmmm...cookie *homer*
PotHed PotHed
lol. i thought it was a sin to be political in here... if you want to call the election political...
queen0fbats queen0fbats
c00kie monster vote
Chukn8r Chukn8r
thecount thecount
...friggin sweet.
pixy pixy
PicoRevolver PicoRevolver
Hilarious stuff!!!
coldhead coldhead
Chopper Chopper
My favorite is still the Grandmothers/Crappy Gifts spot ad.
bluevet bluevet
this picture good enough to eat... ahm nahm nahm nahm..
jerry717 jerry717
That about sums it up for me .-)
alzeke alzeke
I'm gonna vote for Dew
16ozBud 16ozBud
blackfox blackfox
(singing) C is for cookie. . .that's good enough for me. . . . C is for cookie. . .that's good enough for me. . . . C is for cookie. . .that's good enough for me. . . . C is for cookie. . .that's good enough for me. . . .cookie cookie cookie starts with C YEAH . . . ookie cookie cookie starts with C!
DoctorWu DoctorWu
I missed this, now I'm unsure about Gary Coleman
scrolbar scrolbar
Just 'cause you're Dew!
togsed togsed
hi cookie! :O
chrispis chrispis
dew,... very good!!!
metalic metalic
Chimera Chimera
my favorite muppet
xovlov xovlov
X L N T !


dewking dewking
pot.. this isnt exactly political... its hard NOT to laugh at the fact that gallagher, Arnold, Gary Coleman, and Larry Flint are running for governor of ca.. :)
Chopper Chopper
I've already decided that i'm voting for Gary Coleman.
bluevet bluevet
sorry... me tummy was hungry

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 [untitled entry]
by dewking
Created August 11, 2003
24 votes   3 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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