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Photoshop Contest Entry #33549

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splodge splodge
is this one for knuddel?
metalic metalic
good hand.
MoZub MoZub
FREE SMOKES?????????????????????? yes!!!!!!!!!!!
volkswes volkswes
smoking sucks, but nice work
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Super clean
prism72 prism72
don't smoke but here's a vote ... very good. :)
L@rue L@rue
skillet skillet
favorite one so far
base-zum base-zum
spearman spearman
yay now i can sue u for giving cigs to sum1 under18 :P
Zman Zman
its certainly original.
nancers nancers
Don't let Big Tobacco get ahold of this, it's a new way to get kids drawn in! ; )
16ozBud 16ozBud
i would like to feed your fingertips to the wolverines 3 incoherent numskull number 1gerbils dance for hitlers amazement for the propensities of monstrosities for comes within thee where do i gain my knowledge of such facsimiles i find it in the facts that bees buzz and turtles gurgle toads croak and computers compute fascinating objects of the imagination ordinary individuals have no cognizance for these objects of individual duality duality is brought forth through the pain and apathy of the crown the crown is brought forth through determination of the peoples will and determination is a human instinct which we all emit through birth dr john cinderabdicator of the thrown of the king of england no emitting talk age number 2where do concrete people of huge magnitude get off telling me that i am wrong they do not talk to god nor feed from his bewildering wilderness of the wild i talk to god where he occurs to me should he occur here at this time id say to him god dam nit god this cant be i mean it cant be reprehensible to say that chicken is an honorable mammal of severity and lineage yes thats what id sayjennifer mcknockersontelling us which can be said and not in the court of lawspeaking of nothing doing of much number 3society blends with the milkshakes of tomorrow through which all evolve to become fatties of american wealth society is what it is and nothing more im not going to define society for you it is able to maintain its ineptidtude with insecure individualsrockefeller john dwhen asked what qualifications does it that which we all for the mastication process produce byselecting the proud words of ignorance number 4intelligence rests in those who bleed the good bread this bread which i speak of comes from the burnings within oh my goodness my inner bread is being burnedjane adamswhen her son asked her why we all belong in the worldcandy apple blue is not to be unhealthily taken lightly number 5i take it the omni tech corporation knows how to satisfy a mans good pleasure of a crappy computer yes it does these computers belong with my former food in the crappercandice taroafter exclaiming her truth to microsoftwhen the sun shines and the earth boils we all will be held in the giant bosom of the old west the indians supply the wealth of knowledge for the pies of tomorrow and the cakes of today usurped by the international garment ladies workers union and the national german workers party pigeons rue the day during the old west crazy horse will find them but nonetheless receive a blow to the gentles for he can belong to only one courtship that of nature these inexact cal martians of mars can not be overheard though their cries were heard in the night when their towns were raped on the time of human incontinence these natives of mars soon saw themselves the opportunity to succor to the poop of spender spender gladly gave his thing to mars with his life is it not spender who only heard these cries and seldom not anyone else this question must and shust be answered firstly spender sought out the martian sequence of elaboration and consolation the rocket association with which spender came to mars as one was cast in a caste system of hindu beliefs it was guy fakes who can not believe this caste system relives the morning today fakes demonstrated his loveliness to the martians by word of clap tic origins spelled out in plain english or martian shmanglish the clap tic origins provided for spenders actions of faithful thinking thus i have proved the above statementwhere did spender get his willingness to fight the good fight of marsshall preservation captain wilder said that it was spenders determination to find prostitution on mars who did in spender he brought forth the pancreatic need for multiplication and emasculation in this the date which will live in infamy dec 7 1941 spender realizes that it is not all cleanliness and dog try that saves a man one needs to notice the effort of martians to understand what these martians provide for spender went to seek the reanimations and vestiges of these trifling hoteliers martians found unique preservation in their colleges of tomorrow these uninhabitable colleges found many students who looked to the sky for interpleading crosswalks i quote from professor goodwin let it not be what is but what is that isnt and should always be this quote states the ineptitude of the martians for common suntan ailments the purpose is clearly hidden but indeed clearly presentable ailments of this kind do not belong in martia or on the planet therefore called thus pleasantries of emasculate virgins can only account for mastery of this chivalrymy final question of utmost importance belongs in the yearly out bringing of chagrin was it the fore coming of uninexiptable tokens of wealth that did the martians in or the fact that spenders chicane of rivalry towards parkhill to whom it may concern maybe we will never know who ate wilders golden cake of spiteful knowledge soon though all martians will forgive eachother and begin a life of togetherness and individualism through the gospel of wealth for which carnegie sought in the making of an inexact truth
queen0fbats queen0fbats
SpazZ SpazZ
no thanks I don't smoke
bluevet bluevet
Will it light it for me too?
Obernik Obernik
betdoval betdoval
well done & creative later vote ;)
bluefist bluefist
Yeah man....................WHATEVER! ;-)
the202 the202
I wish I could get beer that way

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by Basil
Created August 17, 2003
21 votes   0 comments
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