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Dont DO IT!
Dont DO IT!

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queen0fbats queen0fbats
contrary to popular belief that u cant photoshop u did a great job
DLowrie DLowrie
ox ox
smoking is good.
G2 G2
I hate the smoke in my eyes... the edge of the tongue of flame is perfectly matching with the T-shirt. Nice job.
L@rue L@rue
leif leif
see... smoking IS cool
mezopunk mezopunk
joe camel made him do it. DAMN YOU, JOE!
bluevet bluevet
jerry717 jerry717
R. J. Reynolds poster boy ;-)
bluefist bluefist
Pretty goshed-darned good.
Nidan Nidan
navdog navdog
Smoke and flame are a little too opaque and the flame needs a touch of yellow, but overall a good composition. ;-) Welcome back. :)
skillet skillet
Good job... the smoke isn't as realistic as it could be, but still good.
splodge splodge
nancers nancers
Chopper Chopper
I quit smoking 9 months i'm tempted to go buy a pack. You SOB!
illnic illnic
misledyouth0 misledyouth0
welcome back showcase vote
occecid occecid
You need my smoke brush. Great idea. Welcome back. BTW, am I the only one that doesn't hate you. Am I missing something. Is it an aquired hate. :-)
thecount thecount
...I can dig it.
scrolbar scrolbar
Great work! Oh yeah and Occe was wrong, I don't hate you either, Despise maybe… ;-)
plug plug
coolest thing for kids to do! Right on!
Obernik Obernik
Basil Basil
fluados fluados
I hated it when Lucky Luke gave up smoking. Also a little trouble with the smoke, but this is the first time you draw me over the line.


Showcase Showcase
For all those who have been waiting...comment away...but kind...I don't handle criticism very well ;)
rama rama
aaah... smoking...
DLowrie DLowrie
Flame is off a little, maybe some blue
Showcase Showcase
DL, bout now? I think it is better.
Showcase Showcase
knuddel, thanks for the vote...I knew I could count on you.
Showcase Showcase
QOB, thanks. I don't actually do the images...I have to pay for someone to do them for me ;)
ranal ranal
fake smoke.... but ok....
Showcase Showcase
fake smoke...what do you mean fake smoke...that's so real I can almost smell it coming from my monitor...what the hell do you know ranal.
fetajr fetajr
first of all what the hell is this!?, a kid smoking blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ..... FAG CRITISM THAT SHOWCASE USUALLY CONTRIBUTES ....blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bl
ranal ranal
The smoke is thick.... Why don´t you cut and copy a real smoke instead of doing this crap??? I know the size of your ass showcase... I already said that....
ranal ranal
The shadow comes from the right side... well... i don´t see any lighter shadow... go fix that to get more votes... come on!!! YOU MAY LOSE... RUN MAN!!!! YOU NEED YOUR VOTES!!!! WIN THIS!!!!
Showcase Showcase
there we we see who the real kiddies are...
Showcase Showcase
fetajr, you said it...nice job. too bad you didn't put that effort into making a better post for today.
Showcase Showcase
ranal, I know what you mean about the smoke...I will try to fix it. Also, I am not sure what you mean by shadow comes from the right. It really seems to be more directly over head as seen by the shadow under his chin. I don't know...that is how I saw i
fetajr fetajr
wow, you sound like you get paid for this hobby
Showcase Showcase
fetajr, nope, just lots of complaints from other users. but that is what keeps me going :)
fetajr fetajr
glad to fuel your comment engine, thats what has me checking back every time i get bored at work.
panda panda
hey looser, you are back hum? oh me
Showcase Showcase
no, not about me being a loser. comments are reserved for praise and criticism.
eran eran
The idea is o.k. The smoke looks more like milk. The hand is too large for the child. Hand needs more tilt to it. Something wrong with flame, to bright maybe. Cigarette too blurry and too white. Wouldn't he be squinting from all that milk "smoke" in his e
Showcase Showcase
wow eran nice job grasshopper :)
Showcase Showcase
smoke is really hard to do...I, myself, have done better but really thought this one was ok since he had just lit the cig and there is more smoke when starting
Showcase Showcase
it is the exact hand that is in the original...same size same tilt...just mirrored so not sure exactly what you mean.
Showcase Showcase
I was thinking the flame was too bright too but it is too late to change it now.
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not sure if the cig is too blurry or too white...this I am thinking is just you being a nit pick...It is a bright day and the white would be really bright.
Showcase Showcase
and the smoke is not really in his is about a cigarettes lenght away.
Showcase Showcase
otherwise, thanks for the comments and I will keep trying :)
notchback notchback
very realistic - nice smoke! sorry to say, can't vote yet :(
PicoRevolver PicoRevolver
I have a belly button. Smoke does look like milk, I agree. It's nice to see you back, mean Showcase.
bLiNk bLiNk
Shouldn't the smoke be a little blue??? Knuddel, I agree with you to some extent, yes smoking is HORRIBLE, BUT, the fact that it's pieced together with this kid of all kids with the expression on his face creates a kind of awareness thing, you look at hi

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 Dont DO IT!
by Showcase
Created August 25, 2003
25 votes   31 comments
475w x 356h (34KB)

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