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Photoshop Contest Entry #35052

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bluevet bluevet
You'll eat it and like it because there are children starving in France
sonnysan sonnysan
Chopper Chopper
bluefist bluefist
Took it to the bank today, Occ!
splodge splodge
Pc Cilin vote
pixy pixy
*lol* I was going to do the mold thing too, but decided to be an idiot and do something totally insane instead. You're great at what you do ;)
navdog navdog
disgusting, but well done. :)
leif leif
volkswes volkswes
Thats pretty gross
16ozBud 16ozBud
misledyouth0 misledyouth0
just like mother used to make
chrispis chrispis
ok awesome
Basil Basil
email me a link to your tunes :) I'd love to hear them
anto anto
uhhh :))
illnic illnic
nasty !
jasper jasper
what bud said
skillet skillet
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Mold color perfect
scrolbar scrolbar
These products need some BHT to retard spoilage!
MoZub MoZub
25 layers. The mold on the cheese is hand painted using an Aiptex pen. The knife was black and white and was colorized and rust added with the pent tool. 7 of the ants were painted by hand. The small boy eating the sandwich is French. No children or bugs were harmed in the creation of this picture. Gee... talk about pushing a "borderline-almost-vote" over the edge. Put a mini-tutorial w/ your posts next time for the hand drawn stuff? I'd LOVE to hear it. :)
Obernik Obernik
G2 G2
very good! instead of the larvae of the yellow mealworm beetle would be better some maggots...
flyman flyman
fluados fluados
i like those cheeses with extra protein :)
nancers nancers
DLowrie DLowrie
back to work vote


Mousew/purpl Mousew/purpl
I'd still eat is *squeek squeek*
Zwb001 Zwb001
waaw, nice job (cvy)
occecid occecid
Basil - Click on contest. I'm the 2nd place winner in the 2nd and 3rid contest at the bottom. Jim Dicecco
occecid occecid
25 layers. The mold on the cheese is hand painted using an Aiptex pen. The knife was black and white and was colorized and rust added with the pent tool. 7 of the ants were painted by hand. The small boy eating the sandwich is French. No children or
volkswes volkswes
Win Occ!!!

 Mmmm, Cake
Mmmm, Cake zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by occecid
Created August 30, 2003
27 votes   5 comments
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