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Photoshop Contest Entry #35807

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I'll take that vote.
Chicken Chicken
This is very romantic....kissing by the canals of Venice as a big turd floats by.... ....I'm sorry....I'm getting a lilttle bit emotional...
base-zum base-zum
ooohh nice Occ
crzydave crzydave
big turd vote
sneakyjas sneakyjas
togsed togsed
i like it
mezopunk mezopunk
this makes me want to hump something.
Zwb001 Zwb001
't makes me weak :)
nancers nancers
Now that's a weekend getaway...
pshene pshene
Just kidding...great job & on the thumbnail teaser again, too...has a nice confusion that gives way to ohhhhhhhhh......ooooooooh, aaaaaaahhhh, etc.
Basil Basil
MoZub MoZub
I like the sheer curtains.. cool! why did you blur around their heads?
lockfist lockfist
G2 G2
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
thbeghin thbeghin
Obernik Obernik
DLowrie DLowrie
jerry717 jerry717
Nice Occ. How did you get a different thumbnail than the whole image itself?
mealworm mealworm


pshene pshene
Sex, sex, sex...that's all you guys ever pshop about! Get more creative or no votes!
occecid occecid
pshene - I do believe there's a difference between sex and romance. Hopefully I was successful at depicting romance.
occecid occecid
MoZub - First, they are not sheer curtains, it's a reflection on glass. 2nd - I thought since the building were way off in the distance I would blur them a bit to make it more realistic. I wanted to draw the attention to the figures in front. The main
lolailo lolailo
Spectacular job.
pshene pshene
yeah, I was totally joking in regards to your pic, while also ranting about the more blatant ones (source pic next to bikini, source pic next to "artsy" half nude model) I'm not a prude, I just think it's lazy when people do that...your's is entirely diff
occecid occecid
pshene - I know you were kidding. I was just giving you a hard time. Thanks for the vote.
pshene pshene
No, you were more votes for you dammit...well...until your next picture...dangit!
sneakyjas sneakyjas
It so does not rule that this pic is not winning.

 Out On The Water
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 [untitled entry]
by occecid
Created September 08, 2003
20 votes   8 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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