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Photoshop Contest Entry #36080

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kritsos kritsos
you could do better in term of "the idea" but your photoshop is always great
jerico jerico
well integrated
togsed togsed
blackfox blackfox
NOT BAD AT ALL. . . one suggestion. . the woman sitting in front of the white skirt. . . I'm not sure if it's her contrast or the shadow. . .something is a hair off. . . but DAMN this is good.. . . may have to steel the photoframe
Showcase Showcase
great work
KahRayZee KahRayZee
Great work...
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
dewking dewking
sonnysan sonnysan
sundae sundae
alzeke alzeke
metalic metalic
a bit old ;)
nancers nancers
Rondo Rondo
Basil Basil
occecid occecid
daintydevil daintydevil
very nice
thbeghin thbeghin
G2 G2
same as blackfox... that shadow might be lower... idillic composition!
Hellekro Hellekro
Nice fit-in - and nice frame!
Yoma Yoma
nice work
yourmom yourmom
L@rue L@rue
Very nice 3d effect I mean not better than my yesterday 3d effect but thats ok;)
Obernik Obernik
anto anto
jerry717 jerry717
Very nice
ironmc43 ironmc43
P@u P@u
pixelpusher7 pixelpusher7
scrolbar scrolbar


MaxiMix MaxiMix
did you make the frame yourself? or just integrated the women in the photo?
chrispis chrispis
maxi I did the frame too, and the cracks in the photo,... I always do this stuff myself! :)
blackfox blackfox
*steal even
chrispis chrispis
The original source pic I used:
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Well then...that raises some copyright issues... ;-)
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Deserves a vote though!
MaxiMix MaxiMix
then it's nice and much work
chrispis chrispis
LOLOL AtHeaMO,... the whole site wouldn't exist without their help :)
Olieng Olieng
Nice! looks really old.
Jagermeister Jagermeister

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 [untitled entry]
by chrispis
Created September 11, 2003
31 votes   10 comments
w x h (8,628KB)

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