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Photoshop Contest Entry #36191

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Olieng Olieng
The words are falling off... very Creative.
jerry717 jerry717
I wan't to be the first to vote for this image. Excellent!
mitchpix mitchpix
very nice
Basil Basil
yikesz yikesz
U STOLE MY IDEA :-) just joking, great!
bluefist bluefist
Pretty DAMN good.
splodge splodge
dyslexia ?
crzydave crzydave
that's pretty creative. nice work
Chopper Chopper
This is cool in a "Wendy's Frosty" sort of way.
dewking dewking
base-zum base-zum
Showcase Showcase
great idea
fetajr fetajr
brodiss brodiss
very creative and what dewking said :)
anto anto
ACass ACass
no need to compete today!
anteater anteater
WOW! That's about all I can say for this one. Nice work! Great idea.
chrispis chrispis
great idea
*=J=* *=J=*
Great Idea, 20 votes already in the first hour and a half!!
leif leif
blackfox blackfox
cheeselouise this is brilliant.
spackler spackler
great idea
ironmc43 ironmc43
DLowrie DLowrie
Janitor Janitor
Very nice!
KahRayZee KahRayZee
Nive work...
metalic metalic
occecid occecid
I'm at a loss for words.
thbeghin thbeghin
so good
sonnysan sonnysan
takin all the votes! Nice one!
Zman Zman
Bryan... Bryan...
and the winner is.......
Nichodemus Nichodemus
That's awesome
illnic illnic
Rondo Rondo
P@u P@u
zurdo1119 zurdo1119
sneakyjas sneakyjas
I'm only doing one vote per day from now on.
nancers nancers
How can I not vote for this? It's Excellent!
mealworm mealworm
daintydevil daintydevil
tomspeer tomspeer
jerico jerico
pshene pshene
And now with new and improved "vote" checkbox!
Stag Stag
I think we have a winner
jasper jasper
PotHed PotHed
betdoval betdoval
WoW! :)
Obernik Obernik
sundae sundae
Very nice
pixy pixy
MoZub MoZub
scrolbar scrolbar
Great work 'zeke!


Obernik Obernik
then you were to late jerry :)
Olieng Olieng
LoL... Beat cha jerry
jerry717 jerry717
Damn you Olieng, You must have been voting at the same time.
jerry717 jerry717
Oh yeah forgot the little smiley ;-)
Chopper Chopper
I see new records being broken here...10 votes already. 2nd place has 1 vote.
MoZub MoZub
dang I'll vote on this later. I dont want to discourage everyone who is thinking of post later any more than they already are! Nice post!
nekro nekro
me too.... i like the post but i'll wait to see another ones... maybe i'll vote tomorow
dewking dewking
ONLY 37??? come on people!
pshene pshene
Do I actually see the word "falling" falling?! Sweet. :)
paulymac paulymac
looks like a winner!
mitchpix mitchpix
What is the record of votes for a single post?
G2 G2
Great idea, good execution! U're already win, U don't need my vote... I rather encourage beginners who posted good images. I hope U go along with this. :o)

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 [untitled entry]
by alzeke
Created September 12, 2003
55 votes   12 comments
w x h (8,596KB)

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