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Photoshop Contest Entry #38687

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wunderpants wunderpants
My idea! Curse you, knave! Great job.
bluefist bluefist
queen0fbats queen0fbats
make him work!
Showcase Showcase
ummm you missed a spot yee bald headed freak! Great!
Basil Basil
ripclaw ripclaw
MoZub MoZub
batichan batichan
great match! looks real!
ironmc43 ironmc43
ha! yeah fox clean my shoes!
rytec rytec
You call that clean boy..??
chrispis chrispis
oh yeah! nice
jerry717 jerry717
DLowrie DLowrie
leif leif
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Markdiesel Markdiesel
Nice work!
simplemac simplemac
shine thy shoes, guvnah?
nancers nancers
blackfox blackfox
Third Favorite of the day. . . even the blackfox logo on the sign ::sniff:: I'm touched.
daintydevil daintydevil
volkswes volkswes
Good job man :)
splodge splodge
Rnswiths Rnswiths
Chopper Chopper
"Mmmmm...tiger....tiger, tiger, tiger..." -Master Betty
alzeke alzeke
metalic metalic
kritsos kritsos
scrolbar scrolbar
illnic illnic
very good
occecid occecid
Great source pictures. Flawless execution.
fluados fluados
Obernik Obernik


wwwwiz wwwwiz
great style. good technique. excellent scale. could have done without the sign. gets my vote, anyways
Basil Basil
Man I hope this wins... looks like this poor bastard hasnt won yet and deserves it

 Congrats Blackfox!
Congrats Blackfox! zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by EvilTigr
Created October 10, 2003
33 votes   2 comments
w x h (8,620KB)

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