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Photoshop Contest Entry #39484

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PotHed PotHed
volkswes volkswes
asmorod asmorod
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Like it !!
ironmc43 ironmc43
ripclaw ripclaw
Rondo Rondo
togsed togsed
the202 the202
He might make could happen :)
batichan batichan
great work, the motion is strange (it looks like the tractor is going in reverse), but is a great post, the best of the day!
fluados fluados
HKRockstar HKRockstar
how sad... how funny
Showcase Showcase
KaiLeCreator KaiLeCreator
blade spinning vote
illnic illnic
heheh poor puppy, nice job
xovlov xovlov
... I'm looking over my dead dog Rover I ran over with the power mower On leg is missing, the second is gone The third leg is is scattered all over the lawn No ... :)
occecid occecid
What a sick mind.
splodge splodge
Chukn8r Chukn8r
pixy pixy
I'm sorry I just have to vote this.. It's sooo EVIL.... and Hilarious! I love it :)
queen0fbats queen0fbats
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Every time someone post a nekkit boobies pic on PSC, God runs over a puppy with his lawn tractor. Please, think of the puppies!
anonymoo anonymoo
gratuitous violence toward animals will always have a special place in my heart.
Obernik Obernik
thatbobguy thatbobguy
puppy vote
leif leif
Bryan... Bryan...
yes! yes!
bluefist bluefist
This is a OBVIOUS hoax!!! ;-)
jerry717 jerry717
I love of the day.


volkswes volkswes
I don't see a hurt animal
nancers nancers
No animals were hurt or injured during the production of this picture.
PotHed PotHed
nancers nancers
Of course not...a big cat leaped over the fence and snatched the puppy up by the scruff of the neck and wooshed him off to safety. Or if you prefer, it became lawn kill. Choose your ending (after you vote for it, of course)...I just created the
Markdiesel Markdiesel
Animals getting hurt = funny everytime.
rfaraday rfaraday
was the blade spinning?
nancers nancers
I'd let you know "I don't like animals getting hurt in posts" but that would break the rules of anonymity. I can say that led did make an appearance under this picture somewhere today ; )
HZ_Duke HZ_Duke
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooooooo!
jerry717 jerry717
Your welcome ;-)

 Lawn Tractor
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 [untitled entry]
by nancers
Created October 21, 2003
29 votes   9 comments
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