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Photoshop Contest Entry #39855

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16ozBud 16ozBud
Basil Basil
hah great one
DLowrie DLowrie
bluefist bluefist
Well done.
blackfox blackfox
excellent well, good gentles
Rondo Rondo
ironmc43 ironmc43
you suck! ;)
Zetape Zetape
scrolbar scrolbar
flyman flyman
yep those gentles are fantastic?
moviegirl11 moviegirl11
occecid occecid
base-zum base-zum
sorry i made someting simular :) wel ill vote for you anyway
Yage Yage
sundae sundae
very nice
MoZub MoZub
nancers nancers
queen0fbats queen0fbats
shocker shocker
very good!
pamelo pamelo
Showcase Showcase
yeah, what ??? said.
daintydevil daintydevil
splodge splodge
PotHed PotHed
here's a vote for the sake of confusion
LumiaLuna LumiaLuna
This is 100% better than the source picture ever was. Beautiful job.
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
imagine how many votes this would have got if you had included the bat sign in the tomato too ;-)
hapal hapal
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Feel the freshness!
tcrkay tcrkay
you source pic colourupper you! ;)
illnic illnic
leif leif


chrispis chrispis
I like oranges ;)
metalic metalic
scrolbar scrolbar
Good gentles?
heyyou heyyou
Really nice, good work.
terminator terminator
its nice, for being a simple cut/paste and color... ands&selImageType=7&chkLicensed=on&chkRoyaltyFree=on&txtSearch=orange&UQR=fffeni
terminator terminator
crap. I mean... 235F16110B424354434B5C534D
terminator terminator
it's nice but it shouldn't be winning.
metalic metalic
Are you serious… didn’t see the different? !!!
metalic metalic
WOW... very impressive comment, you must be the expert to say this image is simple colour adjustment... WOW ;)
Showcase Showcase
why yes I am an expert thank you, but I havent said anything yet. ;)
PotHed PotHed
Honestly, I wouldn't have expected this to get more than 5 votes. The refraction in the splash isn't that good, and is in fact WAY off to the left of the tomato. Deserving of 5 votes, max. But I'm sure some people have voted based on how cool the source p
metalic metalic
WOW!!!... ;)
metalic metalic
Pothed: That long comment is quite harsh. I don’t mind if you comment on my work but please don’t be disrespectful to people who gave me their vote.
Basil Basil
he earned my vote just by removing that silly watermark and restoring the water so well.. not to mention the source actually looks better now.. I mean serously,
PotHed PotHed
Are you sure that the watermark was just something that protected the image against non-members of the site? If he's a member, it was never there for him.
PotHed PotHed
"author," i understand why you'd want to protect them, seeing as how they gave to votes, but boo hoo. I was commenting on the quite unusual high vote-count. If I have a hypothesis on what could cause it other than the normal cause for high votes, which is
metalic metalic
PotHed PotHed
you better be
metalic metalic
what ever... :D
leif leif
im voting for the drama in the comments...hey pot, you do it

 Mmmm Tomato!
Mmmm Tomato! zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by metalic
Created October 27, 2003
32 votes   20 comments
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