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Photoshop Contest Entry #40649

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Zetape Zetape
PotHed PotHed
i just hope its flammable
nancers nancers
blackfox blackfox
bluefist bluefist
Very good.
volkswes volkswes
good work
asmorod asmorod
Very good work I tried to do something similar but you were better than me !!!!!!
ironmc43 ironmc43
love bush
GForce GForce
occecid occecid
Great minds think alike. For what it's worth, I voted for Bush and I'm glad I did.
metalic metalic
hammer about the bush :)
alzeke alzeke
well done
rytec rytec
I think President Bush has really done a lot for us by kicking terror in the ass.. But anyway .. Great Photoshop work. Thats what its all about.
splodge splodge
rookie rookie
Bush is a great President and I am glad that you have made a memento of him by sculpting his face in wood.
daintydevil daintydevil
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
thbeghin thbeghin
Square Square
If you count the rings, he's really two hundred and thirty seven...which would explain a LOT
Stag Stag
A very pro bush vote.
Obernik Obernik


blackfox blackfox
getting ready for Rushmore, adding one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. . . BUSH/CHENEY IN '04
PotHed PotHed
Last I heard Cheney isn't running in '04. Rumor has it Guliani(sp) is gonna be Bush's butt-buddy
PotHed PotHed
And Bush is NOT one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. Not by a long shot. people that believe that also consider Nixon to be on the list. Damn elephants.
PotHed PotHed
one more thing, "Aim for the eye, by brotha!"
PotHed PotHed
PotHed PotHed
not by
PotHed PotHed
the lst 4 comments have been by me.
PotHed PotHed
and that last one too
PotHed PotHed
and this one, and that one
PotHed PotHed
correction: 5
Basil Basil
bush cheny suck as presidents
PotHed PotHed
they're not BOTH presidents...
fluados fluados
let's say "you, the people" suck, because you are the ones that made it possible for this regime to rule the earth.
base-zum base-zum
sorry cant voye i hate bush !!! nice bick tho
nyxxie nyxxie
i like the idea... but ugh... why dub?
mezopunk mezopunk
man...if that was only bush's real face & not wood.

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 [untitled entry]
by Hellekro
Created November 07, 2003
21 votes   16 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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