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Photoshop Contest Entry #48476

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volkswes volkswes
paulfdes paulfdes
nancers nancers
Looks real!
DLowrie DLowrie
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Yeah, the whole missing streetlights on the left really detract from this ! not ;)
charpentier charpentier
nyxxie nyxxie
metalic metalic
berger berger
better than the postcard
nekro nekro
that one is great... absolutly great :)
billtvshow billtvshow
hard work
tcrkay tcrkay
like car ones
sonnysan sonnysan
Serps Serps
Very nice
scatterd scatterd
bluefist bluefist
....pretty damn seamless
Tore Tore
splodge splodge
laurent24 laurent24
jerico jerico
babyface42 babyface42
supak0ma supak0ma
shocker shocker
occecid occecid
outstanding blend of the pictures.
scotto scotto
DoctorWu DoctorWu
HoldOrFold HoldOrFold
PSman PSman
jyo jyo
its the original pic people. These pictures can be found on the internet, sheesh.
queen0fbats queen0fbats
txpinky txpinky
base-zum base-zum
deshone deshone
good job
BigBobby BigBobby
ScionShade ScionShade
Chopper Chopper
Good one.
the202 the202


AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
lol, that's the same 'floating' Seattle bridge as in that daily pic a while ago! ;-)
Fugue Fugue
Very good. Maybe missing some streetlights on the left?
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
hmmm....I think the cars on the left are just a tiny bit too big in comparison to the ones on the right
kandirich kandirich
how'd you get more of the yellow truck on the left then the original?
Robaccomando Robaccomando
Yeah, how'd you show more of the front yellow truck on the right when it's not in the original?
kandirich kandirich
I just said that :-p, and it's left ;)
kma kma
Wait a second. For real... how'd you get more of that truck on the left?? There's no way it would've been worth the effort for you to rebuild the front.
Showcase Showcase
wait, its not just the truck, its the buildings! you are good! :)
kma kma
author can you please explain this for all of us? seems odd.
jyo jyo
(uncropped originals i should say)
parker parker
how do you even go about finding it, though?
jyo jyo
being a good searcher
flyman flyman
yes viewers i found a larger version with more image
Robaccomando Robaccomando
cheater! =)~
ScionShade ScionShade
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see a reflection in the mirror on that truck on the left!! but there aint that car on the right side of the street! HA! Gotcha
fzwarkatoodl fzwarkatoodl
That was in the source pic as well... check this:
fzwarkatoodl fzwarkatoodl
You would have gotten my vote (I'm a good sport), but the thing is you got the perspective all wrong. The cars on the left are about three times bigger than the ones in the right lane. The car to the right of the truck doesn't even come up to the t
Chopper Chopper
You also would have been blessed with my devine vote if you had entered a deposit of $5 into my paypal account, but you fail to do this. I'm sorry, you are just too sloppy with your deposits.

 Western Main Street
Western Main Street zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by flyman
Created March 11, 2004
37 votes   18 comments
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