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Zingaro Zingaro
base-zum base-zum
cewl collors
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
De familie de Vries uit Gasselternijveenschemond bezoekt de V&D in de Grote Stad.
nancers nancers
deshone deshone
clean and cool colors ..
ScionShade ScionShade
Well done
thbeghin thbeghin
best of the day!
occecid occecid
The unusual color mix works well.
heyyou heyyou
nyxxie nyxxie
Rondo Rondo
Square Square
Love it.
Chopper Chopper
LOL Commentor #1; Agree with Commentor #2
Doodler! Doodler!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
luny luny
i like..
DoctorWu DoctorWu
very nice
queen0fbats queen0fbats
yup, reflection on the left is wrong ... but if u flipped it horizontally it would be perfect ... and its still voteworthy
16ozBud 16ozBud
metalic metalic
like it!
laurent24 laurent24
Serps Serps


Fugue Fugue
Freakin good! I believe this was the first team to ever attempt the treacherous Walking down the UP escalator. Many people branded them foolhardy and sure enough their bodies were never recovered. It's thought that one member's boot laces were caug
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
best of the day! - People who say things like this should be shot at :)
barthosch barthosch
great pic. but the reflection on the wall of the guy on the left is somehow wrong (flipped/mirrored)
splodge splodge
i got confused doing the reflections, as always, but you turn your back to a mirror and that is what you see, i tryed it, is there a tutorial on reflections, not how to make them, but how they should workout ?
I love this, If I wasnt so lazy and would do my stupid 15 posts, youd have a vote from me. Sorry :(
splodge splodge
we are not allowd to shoot the french any more :(
vikas vikas
Beautiful Effort and Great job...Color depiction....Excellent...Nice blends pal Best way is to watch yourself in the mirror and U'll know...coz the angle remains the same but the hidden ( or the other ) side is u have to do extra work in cre
splodge splodge
commenter #7, i think i understood that :)The white matt ie blurry lining under first guys shoe is in fact the yellow line i added to show the edge of the escalater, (it was unclear), but your right, i think i put it on top of the foot shadow layer
Fugue Fugue
I'm surprised (or shocked) that this post isn't doing a lot better
splodge splodge
so am i :)

 Long Way Down
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by splodge
Created March 12, 2004
22 votes   10 comments
500w x 500h (60KB)

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