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Jesus Mountain
Jesus Mountain

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tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Jesus !
jsolimeo jsolimeo
must be because of The Passion, but many religious motifs today...
occecid occecid
Capella Capella
mistatamp mistatamp
beetlejuice, Yeah!!!! I'm Kidding... everybody has recognized him ... kurt cobain is alive, children!!! lol
sonnysan sonnysan
Nice work indeed !
Zeromus Zeromus
James Hetfield vote!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
jasper jasper
billtvshow billtvshow
Hey we did pictures of the same guy, but yours shows insane talent, so well done. :)
Rondo Rondo
Square Square
paradoxia paradoxia
anonymoo anonymoo
i rode jesus mountain at disneyland twice.
nyxxie nyxxie
babyface42 babyface42
KaBooM KaBooM
Ok Ok , even though I believe religious images are in poor taste, you did do a good job.
jyo jyo
Jesus is the dopest mc on the microphone kid
luny luny
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
sportbikecit sportbikecit
supak0ma supak0ma
styson styson
deshone deshone
Serps Serps


parker parker
oh this is good...this is real good.
Fugue Fugue
...or Mount Jesus, if you like.
Fugue Fugue
Mount Jesusmore, even.
Chopper Chopper
I thought of Mount Jesus and too many sexual innuendos kept popping in my head. So I went with Jesus Mountain.
nekro nekro
Moustache??? Jesus had moustache?:) Geeez :)
batichan batichan
KaBooM KaBooM
It'd be better if you would have just crucified someone on top of his forehead. :)
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
I find this more offensive than the pulled woman's panty hose. Mods, please delete this pic.
Chopper Chopper
AtHeaMo...I find your mustache offensive.
KaBooM KaBooM
I agree too much jesus ...
Zeromus Zeromus
ccheck ccheck
I can't vote but I like it. If I was to have one criticism it would be that the sign is facing in the opposite direction to the mountain....good job though and the best post today
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
I find my stache offensive too, but it keeps growing back on me... BTW, I was only kidding about finding your pic offensive; some recent threads on the message board inspired me to make that remark. ;-)
Fugue Fugue
#12 - "The sign is facing the opposite direction" Huh?? Of course it is. How could visitors read it if it was facing the mountain? Silly person.
Chopper Chopper
AtHea...I know, I was joking too. If contests weren't anonymous, you would know I wasn't serious. :)
vikas vikas
I once posted Image having jesus....within 15 minutes it was
vikas vikas
and Mount Jesus would have been more appealing...rather than jesus mountain...
Chopper Chopper
My great uncle is a pastor and told us once the story of how another pastor did a sermon on Jesus. It went something like "Everyone's got a but. But this...but that...However, Jesus comes between the buts." He said people in the audience were trying despe
vikas vikas
It's Your creation and U have the right to name it in the way u like....I respect that

 Mountain Sign
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 Jesus Mountain
by Chopper
Created April 29, 2005
25 votes   19 comments
550w x 402h (56KB)

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