yay, you fixed it. lol
LOL, I knew somebody would do that
Where's the source? ;-)
haha, dammit someone beat me to it
oh wow! edit+transforn+flip horizontal=WOW! AMAZING! PURE GENIUS!
I can't believe that there are so silly people to vote for this and send comments like: "lot of work". We'll have the names in three days lol Shame on those people !
You should set up a tutorial on how to do this its great. :-)
If you used the clone tool to copy each individual pixel from the left to right side... then yeah, it deserves a vote.
how is it possible this has 4 votes?
I think the guy on the right looks a little bit more cocky now...
He DOES.. He looked so loving on the left..
that must be his "good side"
this is pathetic that this is getting any votes, yea its smart, but no photoshopping skills are required for this, nor any imagination, isnt that what this site is about? ps skills, and imagination, and creativity, this might have creativity, but there ar
Well-since I posted before this guy AND I was the first to flip the picture back the right way AND I spent 4 hours working on My image --DO You think Maybe I should have gotten those six votes???? I would have argued this for anyone else , but since I did
Nevermind I was loking AT "most votes" and not default, so this guy did post first, in fact it is THE firat post. You actually pay for Advantage to do stuff like this? You are absolutely whacked and I still want Your six votes for the first flipped and
Hey and I also want some votes for alerting jmh that He posted a source that was already used just six weeks ago, before anyone wasted time chopping on it--so How many votes am I owed for that?I saved You guys a lotta heart-ache--He coulda pulled that p
And I want a new blender too, Damnit My margarita has CHUNKS of ice in it AND I like it all slushy.
Anyone know where You can buy those swizzle things like They have at the bar? It just aint authentic without a swizzle
just call me arthur II ;)
:-) hehehe I am so gonna crack up if this is whi I think it is, but maybe it's not so then it won't be as funny , but then if it is , then it's funny and then it will get it's own thread in discusions and then someone (nudgenudge) can post the thing about
prosecco for all!
chicken u should stop doing this stuff, ah and shame on the voters ;(
lol, check out the url
wow ... i shall flip tomorrow's pic vertically ... and get 10 votes for it
i'm amazed at how many ppl did'nt flip the picture b4 working on it
this isnt chicken, the name of the picture is: "hey it worked for chicken" really, look at the url of it, and this just pathetic, i cant beleive you people would vote for this