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Photoshop Contest Entry #49830

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dewking dewking
nancers nancers
Beer tends to do that to the old eyes....
volkswes volkswes
fetajr fetajr
Showcase Showcase
makes sense
toddhead toddhead
Been there.... done that... cried after...
paradoxia paradoxia
KahRayZee KahRayZee
this is way too familiar to me...
sonnysan sonnysan
good idea and well done !
babyface42 babyface42
It happens often to me :)
fluados fluados
PotHed PotHed
this is why i smoke and stay the hell away from beer
base-zum base-zum
DLowrie DLowrie
Capella Capella
Wett Wett
Klondikbar Klondikbar
god knows thats happened to all of us...
denon denon
Chicken Chicken
Excellent! Its about time this site got back to humor!! I'm sick of this artsy fartsy crap!!! Good one, Amigo!!!
Chopper Chopper
metalic metalic
we loving it. com'on... where is your sense of humour?
occecid occecid
This just flat out cracked me up. One of the funniest post I've seen you do Mr./Mrs annonymous. Thanks for the chuckel
thatbobguy thatbobguy
Beer goggles victim vote
anonymoo anonymoo
and this is why you should never post a picture of yourself on the internet thang...
splodge splodge
i'll vote for the idea (been there done that) but not the use of a fellow poster
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
cruel. but well done.
Maqui Maqui
I don't like beer vote!!! (damn i must be drunk again)
16ozBud 16ozBud
jasper jasper


Showcase Showcase
Fugue Fugue
very good!
Rondo Rondo
fuck you too
Poemgyrl Poemgyrl
love it
thesystem thesystem
scrolbar scrolbar
# 3 ??????????????????
PotHed PotHed
commentor 3, eat a dick
base-zum base-zum
way too funny dude
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
cruel. just plain cruel.
dewking dewking
LOL.... Winner! :)
fetajr fetajr
thats how my first kid was born
jerico jerico
kma kma
considering this is a real picture of a member here, this post is in remarkably bad taste (unless it was posted by said member which Im hoping it wasn't)
bluefist bluefist
I gotta admit...this IS funny as hell.
Rondo Rondo
no not posted by said member and yes it is fucking cruel.... thanks for the self esteem boost..cocksmoker
leif leif
Karen_B Karen_B
Is it necessary to swear?
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
This makes me sick. It's in such poor taste & I highly doubt she approved her photo being used like this. No one deserves to be laughed at like this, especially by her fellow PSC'rs. Had it used an impartial photo, it would be acceptable. It had to hur
Jesus Jesus
Poor taste, Tastes poor? Tastes poor, Poor taste? I can't decide
dewking dewking
the person in this photo posted her pic on the site. At some point, everyone who has posted a photo of themselves has had it edited to poke fun at them... at least this was well chopped too...
dewking dewking
I agree with voter #21
nyxxie nyxxie
this is SO wrong... not funny at all. i agree with commentor 17. :(
danman danman
First of all the pic without all the being a pic of a member thing is not that good as a ps job. Not original. Not well lit. And dosent deseve to win this contest.
BBoiSty0 BBoiSty0
Personally, I'd be honored if someone used my pic in their work... ( -if anyone feels up to it... If I had posted enough pics to vote, I would've voted... nice work man!
geekdiggy geekdiggy
this is the work of a genius :D
Mr.incognito Mr.incognito
this si not right
scrolbar scrolbar
I agree with Commenter --- carry the two ---Number 25! Very observant!
j-elzic j-elzic
Not cool. This is outside the realm of "poking fun". Very poor taste.
Rondo Rondo
As the object of this pic, i dont mind being chopped i have been a hobbit, carol brady and peter pan. The timing of this pic, and its implications, however, was timed in a way that is a litle hurtful to me, any other time i would have laughed it off..
Rondo Rondo
and yes sometimes swearing is necessary the more offended and stressed i get the more i swear :P love me love my foul mouth
base-zum base-zum
its just plain fun, and when your around a lot, you bound to be a "victim" of fun ;) so enjoy, i want to be in a pic too
fluados fluados
get over it Rondo. This is big fun
kma kma
To the few commenters above me, I'd like to see you laugh if someone looked at a picture of your sister and said "Been there.... done that... cried after..." or "this is why i smoke and stay the hell away from beer". I haven't seen this kind of disrega
DLowrie DLowrie
I wouldn't have voted, if I realized what was going on, sorry
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Is that a huuuuge glass or a tiny hand ? ;)
Rondo Rondo
I am not offended, really, I can see the humour in it The timing however was, well very bad, that isall. If i was not being a good sport i would have asked JMH to remove it, and i have not. and besides i may be fluffy but i am still a beautiful woman so
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Rondo- Good to hear you are taking this in stride. For some reason, the internet disconnects its users from the feelings of others and causes people to revert back to childish fun poking w/o reguard to peoples feelings. And a poor chop at that. All the
Lrossa Lrossa
what a shame if this get most votes.
baldmare baldmare
I can't wait to find out what insensitve cocksmoker posted this sorry picture!
What is everybody cryin about, it's a good pic, only the comments are makin it a cruel one. I like it very much!!!!
queen0fbats queen0fbats
dont know who the author is, but when i find out in 2 days time ... i for sure i hope i got a photo of him/her ... and i agree ... it would have been almost funny if u had used a pic from google or so ... plus i'd like to point out, that women wear beer g
scrolbar scrolbar
I would like to see a 'kinder gentler' PSC.
scrolbar scrolbar
Where art can roam free
ScionShade ScionShade
You know, I havent looked at this pic since was first posted,I thought it was a funny idea and did not vote for it beacuse this old joke would have to have been chopped extremely well to be worth any votes at all. I did NOT notice who was in the shot,
Sloth Sloth
wow... that's pretty low. that's not cool, man, not cool at all.
dewking dewking
ok.. so yeah, chop could have been a little better ;)
Benito Benito
Very insensitive to use another member in this way regardless of how confident you are in her ability to take it in her stride. I see the beer googles idea and the comedy value attached to it, however just think ahead next time.
Da_Dude Da_Dude
i like fat women, but only if they don't stink and can bend over..
Da_Dude Da_Dude
i like fat women, but only if they don't stink and can bend over..
ScionShade ScionShade
Belatedly.......I agree with Scrolbar....but just this once...JUST THIS ONCE!

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by scrolbar
Created March 30, 2004
31 votes   50 comments
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