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Photoshop Contest Entry #53728

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HandToolUK HandToolUK
Nicely done! :)
alaaf alaaf
lol urs is way funnier.. nice bike
leif leif
supak0ma supak0ma
Stability Stability
great job ;)
flyman flyman
Zzzoey Zzzoey
theplague theplague
kool :]
Serps Serps
Showcase Showcase
Whimsical! Good Work!
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
Bababooey Bababooey
Robaccomando Robaccomando
missrobin74 missrobin74
nyxxie nyxxie
$umo $umo
Chukn8r Chukn8r
ScionShade ScionShade
This is a great piece of photoshop fun And a great deal of work and attebtion to detail. GREAT JOB!!!!!! :-I
robin_t robin_t
some work
tjsnaps tjsnaps
babyface42 babyface42
chris344 chris344
lostagain lostagain
16ozBud 16ozBud
wittekoppeke wittekoppeke
Zingaro Zingaro
j-elzic j-elzic
Lrossa Lrossa
Londoner Londoner


relax relax
Make that a bicycle built for two and I'll hop on! *smile*
leif leif
(eye candy is crap)
awahoo awahoo
wow leif... you say "eye candy is crap" AND you vote... what's that all about?
Showcase Showcase
is that you?
awahoo awahoo
leif, you're saying that on all the posts today. You don't really believe that. I think you are easily influenced and you don't fully understand what you are saying. But that's okay... you've made a statement for the day. Good for you! Eye candy is f
ScionShade ScionShade
Author, Leif is joking about the image that is beating Yours, it's a filter job."And the eye-candy is fine"-- ok as long as we are clear that that other image is crap, but maybe I'll take your advice and give that wonderful piece of filter art the vote I
awahoo awahoo
Oh... I didn't know that was a filter comment... My apologies to leif. I have never heard of the software. To use an annoying phrase "my bad"
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
this seems to be a lot of work and I like how it is mostly made up of the contest image and not from a cute photo with one element from the original. Just great work, and fun too. :-)
awahoo awahoo
thank you bollandfan =) by the way Scion, when I said "eye candy is fine for this site" I meant images that are just candy for the eye :P Some people think that stuff like that isn't real art... that's what I thought leif was trying to say
ScionShade ScionShade
That's cool author, turns out the guy did it the hard way anyhow, no filter.This is an excellent image,VERY creative,You put in a lot of work, impressive!
awahoo awahoo
thanks Scion ...and everyone else
zioli zioli
G43L G43L
essa bicicleta eh do arcaico_sérgio??? to passando ai pra dar um abraço ... ainda naum posso votar ...mas FORÇA BRAZUKA!
dallas dallas
i think that this is not an AMAZING photoshop image, or an AMAZING idea. BUT i DO think, that this image shows us how much we can do with a boring, simple image. I LOVE IT for this reason, and i think you put quite a lot of work in it and i appreciate tha

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 [untitled entry]
by awahoo
Created June 02, 2004
30 votes   15 comments
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