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I always found it insulting when people didn't understood my pictures...I was thinking :"they didn't take the time to get it... bastards".
(call it an ego thing)
I realized that most people weren't stoopid and it was just my fault and not their's.
I tried hard with this picture, because I thought this was a cool one and that it was a funny situation in itself. I just don't get it.
I really thought she was trying to emasculate this poor guy with the remote control before seeing the closure time on the sides...
To many unclear informations can distract the viewer from understanding....
Or maybe we're all stoopid in here ;]
I like it.
is he trying to lift the boat up with his own urine? is she trying to close the gate on his wang with a remote control?
"kma" the boat is floating because it is stattionery and she is not holding a remote she is trying to call from her cell phone! Look closely to understand the picture and before leaving remarks!
who is she calling? Is the 01:32PM significant? Why do the locks close at 1:30? What was he drinking? This isn't easy to just look at and "understand"
the beauty of one picture is the simpleness of it or it`s message. if u expect for other people to look at your picture for a half an hour just to see if they got all the "text" and hidden messages, it`s just not right. u admire a picture not taking lesso
Thanks for everyones comments and suggestions. I'm new to this website and have to learn a lot from everyone around. It was nice of you all to take the time to write all the detailed comments.Thanks once again.
So what was the real meaning of everything ?
the meaning was that the couple reached late by 2 mints (as shown by the time the picture was taken) and the gate closed at 1:30. The lady is trying to call for help and the guy who had too many beers is forced to answer the nature's call in the river/dam
[untitled entry]
by enchantress
Created September 13, 2004
3 votes
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