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Photoshop Contest Entry #62012

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poepie poepie
NShadows NShadows
Very nice idea! clean execution too. I like it
Wett Wett
Fugue Fugue
Very nicely done. Seamless!
Patre Patre
I like your front to back blur-nice..
enchantress enchantress
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Yeah thats right suck me in with the rollercoaster, and what do I get for my efforts...huh...huh bloody printed paper. BTW Nice idea, good usr of the blue tool.
theduplicate theduplicate
really good work !..........
anfa anfa
deshone deshone
great job !!
alexcmatos alexcmatos
efunk efunk
good perspective!
magicbullet magicbullet
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Very well done Chad
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
I like it, but I liked it better with the illusional Roller-coaster thumbnail
nikiS nikiS
marilyn marilyn
ho0ly ho0ly
woops, and here's a vote.
Serps Serps
Heather! Heather!
TruthorDare TruthorDare
occecid occecid
Just wanted to say I like it.
L@rue L@rue
Wonderful execution
lasky lasky
holysmak holysmak
ScionShade ScionShade
Incredibly well done chop, Attention to detail is remarkable. Can't be done any better than this.NICE CHOP!!!
Square Square
thanks for posting the tutorial :^)
Alex Alex
Bloody ages to do this vote...
irishstu irishstu
Excellent pic, chadchud. Take it as a BIG compliment that people thought you cheated. Now lie back and bathe in the glory. :)
bluefist bluefist
I wasn't gonna vote for this...not because I thought that there was 'cheating' involved...but a lot of it looked pre-fabricated (like a stock source photo or something). Take that how you will. HOWEVER, the reason I AM voting for this is because a lot of people here get votes by posting schlocky, hacked regurgitations of stuff they read in tutorials...and pass it off as talent. That practice here at this site, I find deplorable. What YOU did is explained exactly how you went about doing it, using trail & error & common sense. The use of grids ALONE garners the vote. Most so-called graphic designers don't utilize that concept. Solid work here & good approach. Hopefully you can carry this though to your future work and put this kind of effort into one good post instead of 2 goofy ones each day. It's your membership, do what you want...but there's a lot of positives that come out of this post for your development with this stuff in the future. I'd use this as an opportunity to try to continue to become better & better. Congratulations.
billtvshow billtvshow
Damn son, this is a classic. Like bf said, you ought to be putting out this effort every time.
that is qiute a compliment that people think you actually printed those and took a picture of it. well done.
dbbowling dbbowling
great job...and good tutorial too :)
zetspat zetspat
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
I'll bite. really well made.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
I totally agree with bluefist. In all honest, at first I just thought this was another somewhat cliched "put the source into a photograph" image - but having seen the tutorial, the effort put into this and the detailed and clear tutorial to explain it deserve all the accolades.
jerry717 jerry717
madraven madraven
Tutorial vote. This'll probably tip the balance. L-)
16ozBud 16ozBud
Poop shoot
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Whatever the outcomeof the discussion, the effect is good and deserves a vote. I would be churlish if I did not give it on.


chadchud chadchud
ok folks - i promise this is the last time i change my mind about my entry! (hence the different thumbnail)
chadchud chadchud
rollercoaster? exactly! It was supposed to be the london eye thingy - guess that's why i changed it!
chadchud chadchud
woohoo! the thumbnail changed!
55sn 55sn
Good work although I would like to see your source image.
PSposer PSposer
Oooh is 55sn saying that this was not chopped? Does he or she think that because chad is a photographer that chad printed the source and then took a pic of it? Will anyone care? Will the votes have to be recounted? Will they accept hanging and pregnant ch
ho0ly ho0ly
I'd like to see a src too, but only cos I have no idea how he did this if it wasn't printed or whatever PSposer said. Very interesting, and great job :)
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
yeah...maybe this is a your source image and I'll give you a vote..otherwise I am suspect.
ho0ly ho0ly
Just out of curiosity, is there a rule against printing the src and using it in a photograph like that? I'd think it should be strictly photo manipulation, but I could be wrong. Chud, please answer before people start throwing stones...
Bluesbro Bluesbro
It can certainly be done. It would take a good perspective change and an overlay blended mask I'd think. The overlay blend mode would allow it to look like it bends along the bottom naturally. But what do I know ... lol
madraven madraven
Best forgery vote.
chadchud chadchud
can't believe you think i've forged this! how exactly? yes, i do dabble in photography, but to no professional standard! Besides, I sold my digital camera on Ebay last week to buy a new one! Surely if i had done this via photography, there would be some s
chadchud chadchud
it's not very fair to question my ability - but if proof is necessary, then the background i made is at: [img] and the peg picture i used is at [img] hope this answers all the 'doubt' out there - still not very fair
chadchud chadchud
for gods sake guys - i don't even own a printer
chadchud chadchud
welcome to the chadchud post forum
ho0ly ho0ly
It is perfectly fair, and within our rights to question how someone does something, especially if we are suspicious. As you can see, I voted for you, but I would still like to know how you did this, because it looks difficult. If you didn't photograph it,
qqqqq qqqqq
yep and it looks like the backround is the zoomed in version of the paper
ho0ly ho0ly
chad, is there any way you can post a tutorial or something to explain how exactly you did this? If so, people can shut up about cheating, and if not, then we'll know you did cheat. Thanx.
madraven madraven
Methinks thou doth protesteth too much.
ho0ly ho0ly
Me? I voted. That right there indicates that I'm only trying to help him by asking for a tutorial of some sort so he can prove himself.
AcadieMedia AcadieMedia
The pegs on the source are perfectly flat, the ones in the submited pic are posed on an angle... nice picture but... !!
chadchud chadchud
for more info, and a step-by-step, take a look at the forum, under 'Contests & Entries' and all is revealed there!
chadchud chadchud
can't believe this has got more comment space than vote space! - Very controversial!
ho0ly ho0ly
Thank you for the tutorial :) On with the votes!
YerPalAl YerPalAl
i guess when you get questioned you could consider it a comming of age Chad. Welcome aboard.
Heather! Heather!
it's not very fair to question my ability Yes it is, because its a chopping contest not photography. I voted for this before looking closely
chadchud chadchud
_ _ _ JUST incase you didn't notice because of all the wonderful comments i've received, I HAVE POSTED A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO HOW THIS PIC WAS MADE IN THE FORUM UNDER 'CONTESTS & ENTRIES' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ _ _ _ _ _
omg I hate this thing!
aw thanks....someone deleted my LONG ass comment. BTW the comment above ^ isnt saying I hate his post...cause I LOVE IT! I hate this comment box! lol
enchantress enchantress
congrats chad! your post looked so good and real that it made some of the pro's of Photoshop think that it was a photograph! Wow! I guess it is a compliment in itself! Take it easy and be proud of your this entry! Very nice of you to post the tutorial of
Jdefore Jdefore
chadchud chadchud
thanx y'all for the nice comments and stuff!
HandToolUK HandToolUK
In all honest should of course have been "In all honesty..." (I hate making typos, especially when I can't go back and correct them! lol) BTW - congrats also, chad, on your first long comments section! You know you're well on the way to "mak
chadchud chadchud
tell me about it HandTool!
supak0ma supak0ma
phony! haha

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 [untitled entry]
by chadchud
Created November 27, 2004
42 votes   35 comments
549w x 423h (63KB)

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