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Photoshop Contest Entry #63402

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flyman flyman
Patre Patre
I'm not sure what iv81's comment means. I don't know if he is suggesting that this is somehow an illegal post? I don't see how that would be possible, so I will vote for a picture of very good quality..
anfa anfa
billtvshow billtvshow
votage for the man
Lobotomized Lobotomized
Heather! Heather!
forgot to pay their rent vote
Wett Wett
Advantage nonposter voting for Advantage poster's awesome image!
supak0ma supak0ma
dewking dewking
I rarely ever vote... but im voting for this since iv81 is such a cry baby, and because its a well done image.
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
great chop. iv81 can go to hell.
poepie poepie
if you don't wanna vote, don't vote but stop being a crybaby, get's my vote allright, nice
AcadieMedia AcadieMedia
this looks great, but have you forgot something? looks weird
claudiolky claudiolky
johnramz johnramz
very clean, good job
photolicious photolicious
i like it!
mint mint
Wow cool
enchantress enchantress
nice one!
dbbowling dbbowling
A little more to the right...a little drop it! :)
joelfreeman joelfreeman
fix fix fix
anmazondi anmazondi
twaggoner twaggoner
brilliant idea. great job
serious serious
lasky lasky
Fantastic idea!
theduplicate theduplicate
really good !
velocity velocity
Modular... Good idea
siem siem
blue_lurker blue_lurker
um Serps um you got a riggers license for this post dont you...
ScionShade ScionShade
I love this............Love it in every way....I could go on......
nyxxie nyxxie
lando35mm lando35mm
Chopper Chopper
This has my official "Fuckin Awesome" vote of the day! Nice one, Serps!
Meggie Meggie
Nice job!
thbeghin thbeghin
haaaaa :)
zaiba zaiba
occecid occecid
L@rue L@rue
Gort Gort
nice work.......great sky
16ozBud 16ozBud
(absorbs heat)?      = ;            = ;            = ;            = ;            = ;            = ;            = ;  
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Super, great PS work
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
a little to your left, but I likes it
holysmak holysmak
Alex Alex
pacoperez pacoperez
La' Machine La' Machine
Lexi Lexi
YerPalAl YerPalAl
jtedeski jtedeski
nancers nancers
ho0ly ho0ly
needs. more. votes.
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Here's one more
HandToolUK HandToolUK


billtvshow billtvshow
It's the advantage program at the right side of the top menu iv81. That's how anfa was able to post it early, but there was no voting before the contest started. Someone must have voted for it really fast. It really helps out us people who would never
billtvshow billtvshow
LOL I thought this was anfa's. Serps, my bad, good job.
flyman flyman
serps - the lamp post is missing a middle section - change quick
billtvshow billtvshow
good eye flyman i see it too, the layer for the base of the moving part of house got in front of it somehow.
PedroV PedroV
I think it was meant to be this way... the upper part of the lamppost is painted on the house, and the house is in front of the real lamppost... It's an optical illusion. Serps is messing with our eyes and our heads... if I could I would vote
flyman flyman
hah - he just missed it - hehe, like me i missed a bit on my front tyre of the parking ticket contest
photolicious photolicious
Iv81 you're opinion is your opinion but you're vote won't make or break a good post... :)
jasper jasper
fix the damn post! - literally.
Serps Serps
Thanks Flyman, just got back from work :)
anfa anfa
Brilliant chop mate!

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 [untitled entry]
by Serps
Created December 10, 2004
54 votes   12 comments
550w x 600h (75KB)

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