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Silent Screaming
Silent Screaming

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havmongaltyt havmongaltyt
hehe - It gets darker and darker - and I'm still loving it - so I must vote. But I also need to say that you have very little of the source pic...
Heather! Heather!
I think maybe he used some of the widow frame guys
zetspat zetspat
And there you have it. Great chop.
supak0ma supak0ma
spencej1129 spencej1129
f it... i'll vote. its damn cool
KahRayZee KahRayZee
Kill the bitch!!!!!
dimitri dimitri
it works on so many levels. once one look at your previous post, one forgive that the source pic was ignored
enchantress enchantress
i'm scared! :( its so nicely done!:)
PSman PSman
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Patre Patre
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
dang it! I meant to hit that Vote button with last comments.......
Lobotomized Lobotomized
mega bitchin
chawn2323 chawn2323
I think after you're done with this series, you should do a children's book.
deshone deshone
flyman flyman
billtvshow billtvshow
vote for the themester
Meggie Meggie
You scare the S_ _ _ out of me! Good job
poepie poepie
Square Square
EvilTigr EvilTigr
irishstu irishstu
Great as always, cryptic.
splodge splodge
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
psd files-vote...


Patre Patre
I like this work, but I'm struggling to find the featured picture in it.
flyman flyman
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
what they both say is why I haven't found the vote button yet. Is it the colors from the source? Or were you just going into chapter, uh, uh, I forget now.............
havmongaltyt havmongaltyt
It's the window/door frame... but it's not very much...
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
I'm sorry Heather, but the widow, lol, as you calls, is different in grain and ledge count too, and the glass can be from elsewhere. But I'm an amature here, so what do I know? maybe the AUTHOR could explain source and quiet us all eh?
Cryptic Cryptic
Here is the PSD file for the creation of the window:
Cryptic Cryptic
Here is the PSD file for the creation of everything else:
Cryptic Cryptic
If you notice, the whole window was created from the original source pic. Only thing added was a simple overlayed texture of grain (with decreased opacity) to give it a weathered appearance.
spencej1129 spencej1129
i like the story line and the whole atmosphere... you should have at least used the brick wall... lol
Cryptic Cryptic
LOL Spence, thanks man. Actually, I thought of that, but I decided to use the wood, since that was how the cabin looked from this post:
Cryptic Cryptic
LOL Kah.
dimitri dimitri
just had a quick look at your .psd file. do you have a chinese version of ps?
Cryptic Cryptic
Dimitri...No, it's english. How come you ask?
Cryptic Cryptic
BTW...Source pic was not ignored. Please see PSD files. Thanks.
dimitri dimitri
just opend your .psd file in mozilla and there are so many chinese characters, it's not funny anymore...
Cryptic Cryptic
I have no idea Dimitri. That is weird.
Cryptic Cryptic
Actually, Dimitri...try downloading the PSD file and open it in Photoshop rather than Mozilla. This way you can see the layers.
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
well, I most definitely thank you Sir Cryptic for aiding the confussion, of our quest, now it isn't as LOST as I and others were.... and again, Gr8 Job
dimitri dimitri
well if i view it in mozilla, all i can see is the binary code. what's kinda cool, maybe my next idea for todays post.... :-)
Cryptic Cryptic
Chawn...Are you psychic? Because I had been thinking the exact same thing! (Re:Children's Book)
ScionShade ScionShade
Cryptic Cryptic

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 Silent Screaming
by Cryptic
Created December 14, 2004
24 votes   22 comments
510w x 416h (65KB)

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