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Photoshop Contest Entry #64451

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Serps Serps
chrispis chrispis
billtvshow billtvshow
whoa thats cool looking
mint mint
I like how you did the edges
claudiolky claudiolky
Where is Moses? Bible vote!!!!!! A GREAT AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
nancers nancers
L-dawg L-dawg
neat idea
jerry717 jerry717
Are they standing before God in judgement...or is that boat towing Niagra Falls? ;)
supak0ma supak0ma
velocity velocity
Cool effect
Sloth Sloth
(see comments)
occecid occecid
love the rainbow.
Patre Patre
DLowrie DLowrie
lasky lasky
Awesome! :)
enchantress enchantress
Heather! Heather!
Bluesbro Bluesbro
This is excellent, great work Lobo.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Nice work Lobo, love the rainbow effect, would like to know how you acheived it.
styson styson
i can tell a talented pic when i see one
siem siem
BIG drop
ScionShade ScionShade
If I were just breazing the thumbnails, I never would have caught this--You did an awesome job here-UNDERVOTED!
HKlevjer HKlevjer
oink! 4
hacky hacky
Slow-w-w-ly I turned...step by step...inch by inch...
Gort Gort
that's some nice work there
flamur flamur
it reminded me of Niagra falls when I visited last year :)
P@u P@u
Cataratas de Iguazú are nicer, but good job! ;)
anmazondi anmazondi
Good one Lobo!
twaggoner twaggoner
holysmak holysmak
chawn2323 chawn2323
Lexi Lexi
irishstu irishstu
Superb. Looking at the thumbnail, I thought it was just gonna be a case of "stick a couple of people on the deck", but it's oh so much more than that. Nice touch with the rainbow, by the way.
the202 the202
Good one.
IvanPanov IvanPanov
Cool i like this !!!
NShadows NShadows


Sloth Sloth
great idea, great execution.
doruletz doruletz
cool ... wish I had a vote
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
I'm sorry I ran out of votes already......... is this from Niagra?

 Wide Wake
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 [untitled entry]
by Lobotomized
Created December 26, 2004
37 votes   5 comments
475w x 356h (74KB)

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