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Photoshop Contest Entry #65504

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ramba ramba
good work
jazgraphic jazgraphic
flamur, your comments really hit home. I generally glance through the new entries to get a feel for what others have created and then to go in my own direction hoping not to make a repeat of someone elses hard work, only to find when it's time to upload you see a comparable concept already posted. It's happened to me several times. So for all the time spent, and by the way, a good chop job, heres a well deserved vote.
chawn2323 chawn2323
nice chop, and I too feel your pain
nelay nelay
anfa anfa
zetspat zetspat
I'm cryin inside.
CornPone CornPone
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
a well deserved vote! keep on choppin!
Blu Blu
NShadows NShadows
IvanPanov IvanPanov
well done
jerry717 jerry717
Ethaniel Ethaniel
msfrigyfrog msfrigyfrog
this is awesome work and i havent seen anything like it YET lol good job i love it


flamur flamur
Finally I done it. This is my 4th attempt and I am glad its over. When I first saw the orginal picture,my first idea was to turn them into adidas, I went and done it only to see Blue_lurker done it)). Then I done a golden shoe with Ronaldo only to see
flamur flamur
Oops I forgot to mention that I am posting this without even checking if someone done the same or similar. It would be too much for me to do all over again. I hope no one did it:)
nano nano
even if they did do it, i dont think they would pull it off any better, good job..and once again, sorry i cant vote...but i will soon, im doing 2 per entry
zaiba zaiba
flamur flamur
thank you all for your votes and comments. nano, even though I did adidas I can tell u there were no match with Blue lurker, he did it much better :( He is true master.

 Gotta Be The Shoes
Gotta Be The Shoes zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by flamur
Created January 05, 2005
14 votes   5 comments
480w x 360h (61KB)

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