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Photoshop Contest Entry #66098

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ronni3264 ronni3264
lol...okay...Very interesting take on this one...
Lexi Lexi
zetspat zetspat
ramba ramba
dbbowling dbbowling
race sponsored by jenny craig :P
kopeski kopeski
funny but you should unliquify the background. After you do it, just erase to history around him. If you're gonna do it on 1 layer.
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
excelent! fats competition!:D
anfa anfa
Heather! Heather!
supak0ma supak0ma
you should have cut em out and then make them fat, idea is ace tho, LMAO
Serps Serps
enchantress enchantress
nice work!
anmazondi anmazondi
LOL! very good idea,flamur!
efunk efunk
Crack in the pavement would add even more to this great entry
boorboolini boorboolini
Blu Blu
Meggie Meggie
so funny
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
HOY Hoy HOY! Fat Miagiman coming to theaters in your neck of da woods soon!
Cynn Cynn
Oh, my! This is really funny!
neutura neutura
better hurry! subway closes in 5 minutes!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
twaggoner twaggoner
blue_lurker blue_lurker
nice I need to be reminded I put on a few pounds over the holidays.
occecid occecid
Just because you made me laugh out loud.
jazgraphic jazgraphic
runnin for the donuts vote!
poepie poepie
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
Wett Wett
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
NShadows NShadows
good idea and well done :)
siem siem
tommagic1 tommagic1
splodge splodge
irishstu irishstu
Hey flamur. I know how you feel. My boss wants me to use PhotoImpact, and it's so hard to do anything. What you could've done was cut the guy out and then fattened him up on another layer. Anyway, great job. Well done.
HandToolUK HandToolUK


flamur flamur
I am glad at least I made you guys laugh, so did my wife laughed just like you zetspat, the only difference was she was laughing next to my ears and it was so loud I was concern about ear drums :)
flamur flamur
Thank you all for your votes and comments. Kopeski, thank you for your advice but I wouldn't know how to unliquify the background or what you mean by that. Unfortunately I don't have photoshop pro, I am using photo Impact the basic one, so you can imagin
kopeski kopeski
Don't know anything about photoimpact but if you liquify part of a layer in Photoshop, similar to what you did, it distorts the background as with the mans head behind him. After you do that in Photoshop, you can use the eraser and check "erase to history
flamur flamur
Kopeski, the man behind him, do you mean with orange coat, because the runners, I tried all 4 of them behind him fat. I managed the two on the left very good but those on the middle it was a bit harder so I left as they you see them now.
zetspat zetspat
I laughed so hared Flamur because I envisioned Richard Simmons on the side lines screaming "You can do it! Don't give up" Hilarious!!
flamur flamur
oops I made a mistake on my previous comment, what I meant was: Kopeski when u say man behind him, do you mean the man with orange coat?. As for runners behind him, I tried to do all of them fat but it was difficult especially those on the middle. Theref
kopeski kopeski
sorry, didn't mean to cause a commotion. Not sure what I was looking at but the easiest place to see what I was talking about in in the curved tree shadows.
flamur flamur
Kopeski, that is because everywhere this guys walks or run, as in this case, the ground moves or cracks, so as u can imagine the ground behind him has been shrunk ( if thats the right word) and therefore u see what u see. Or as efunk said but the crack ap
flamur flamur
Again and again, thank you to all of you who voted and commented my source. I hope with your votes I will managed to have more than 30 votes and be on the first page for the first time, then I will be laughing too.:)
flamur flamur
*managed* manage
flamur flamur
Thank you all, I am almost there to break my own record :)
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
congrats on breaking the 30 mark! I knows how it feels! Bask in it, cuz with people like metalic posting, we climbers have a lot further to climb than it appeared earlier. But don't give up chopping, 50's are your next goal eh? I know you have it in you,
flamur flamur
yeah heyy, I did it, thanks to your votes and your motivating comments. I know I couldn't do it without your votes and your comments so thanks again for making it happened

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 [untitled entry]
by flamur
Created January 11, 2005
36 votes   13 comments
475w x 355h (72KB)

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