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Photoshop Contest Entry #71411
Sun Belly

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nyxxie nyxxie
i like it
phoenixtilt phoenixtilt
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fempie fempie
siem siem
dunno dunno
nice change of the lighting
billtvshow billtvshow
like it
Doodler! Doodler!
Square Square
Bluesbro Bluesbro
I like something different, good job


lithanual lithanual
A lot more work than you think. source: [img]
SwordOfTruth SwordOfTruth
A lot more work than I think? let me try: looks to me like you lowered the contrast on the original that is convienently stored on your server, added the sky (maybe the clouds were washed out when you lowered the contrast, I don't know) then you added the
lithanual lithanual
Thanks for the kind words SOT. A lot more went into this than lowering the contrast, and I didn't use any filters. Do have a nice day!
lithanual lithanual
btw, the sky is obviously from the source, the mountains I painted with color to match the sun, I added several elements, though subtle, throughout the picture.
SwordOfTruth SwordOfTruth
What I meant was, you lowered the contrast on the original, saved it to your web server all washed out and yucky like it is before SAYING it was your original, then actually used the real original with the color and lighting we see here. Then you added yo
SwordOfTruth SwordOfTruth
My point is, why bother with all the subtle peices you choose to keep so subtle that no one will notice, why make such an effort to improve the color of the mountain range all so you can add a silly belly sun? that's what really makes sense to me. none o
lithanual lithanual
my intention was to make the image look good, from a crappy picture. You may call that stupid, while others consider it unique. While the usage of the source was small, it is still there, and I think the final picture looks bitchin. I painted shadows,
lithanual lithanual
You don't even have any entried posted, yet you get on my case for this? tsk tsk.
SwordOfTruth SwordOfTruth
well if you say so I guess. seems a bit far fetched if you ask me. Try using more of the daily image in your image and ideas. thats what its there for.
SwordOfTruth SwordOfTruth
Must I be a director of movies to decide a movie sucks? (I think EJH said that once. She's a smart chick if you ask me)
lithanual lithanual
You're a moron... Have a nice day! :)
SwordOfTruth SwordOfTruth
yes, thank you. I've heard that before. It was much less insulting with the "Have a nice day" at the end however. I appreciate that. If you would even consider just a bit of what I'm trying to tell you, you might get more than a dozen or so votes.
lithanual lithanual
I don't do it for the votes.
SOT: sounds like something I'd say, but I believe it was badcop who made that particular comment. Thanks though :)
lithanual: I have to admit, when I first looked at your original source, I also thought that you had just deliberately washed out a nice photo to show as the "original" and passed it off as your own retouching... BUT, I will give you the benefit of the do

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 [untitled entry]
by lithanual
Created March 23, 2005
10 votes   15 comments
550w x 413h (52KB)

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