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In this picture, “everybody” wants to play. My goal was to show the two babies inside their mother’s stomachs stretching out their hands/and or feet in order to connect with a playmate in the other womb, wanting to play, much like the other children sho
Feral Hamster
well, it may be a bit too "cartoony," but what about making the bulges nubby, to show the actual fingers reaching out? (Great job, though!)
Feral Hamster might be on to something Patre. I found the edges of your added belly to be blurry and the contrast to be inconsistent with the rest of the image. It's a good concept but execution could have been better.
Thanks to Feral Hamster and SwordOfTruth for their comments and suggestions. I tried my darndest to make those baby fingers knubby, but my level of skill just wasn't able to pull it off. Maybe I will have better luck and/or skill somewhere down the line.
[untitled entry]
by Patre
Created March 24, 2005
4 votes
475w x 356h (73KB)
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