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Photoshop Contest Entry #81727
I don't think he's gonna be "leaving" anytime soon. HAHAHA. I crack myself up :-|

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
hungry hungry
Leaves were ment to be in the wild... let himg o
KayKay KayKay
Goat1981 Goat1981
*lol* @ hungry. Funny and clean.
dallas dallas
marcoballistic marcoballistic
this is a good crisp piece, like the background nice one josh
Persuader Persuader
aw8pj aw8pj
Very creative idea. My only thoughts would be to add a little curl to the top part of the leaf to give sort of a cinching effect from the leash. Also maybe a really soft motion trail to give the appearance of the leaf trying to escape. Just my two cents.
nyxxie nyxxie


Showcase Showcase
some sort of shadow under the collar would have gone a long way on this one Josh. Also a little more attention to the can see an edge on the right side of the important to a great chop.
Josh62088 Josh62088
Shadow dually noted, I'm not sure what i missed cutting out however will continue to look. Thanks for the info on my pic over all I like the idea for as simple a design as it is it has a very clean and appealing look I THINK.
Josh62088 Josh62088
by the way thanks for the critique :-)
Josh62088 Josh62088
Thanks for the votes macro and all :-)
Josh62088 Josh62088
marco* sorry
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
best bet is to always "de-fringe" anything you cut gets rid of those few pixels of background still stuck to the cutout.
Josh62088 Josh62088
good idea, never thought about that. thanks for the advice Feral Hamster.
Josh62088 Josh62088
I see the curl idea, for th emotion trail are you talking about just alittle ghost image blur of the leaf? thanks for the vote and comments aw
aw8pj aw8pj
Yeah just a little blur to give it a feeling of movement. The easiest way without filters would be to select the leaf and copy it to its own layer, duplicate it, then use the smudge tool on the lower of the two layers. Finally lower the opacity.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
One last suggestion, the contrast on the house is much greater than the contrast of the hills it sits on. Makes it obvious that the house was dropped into the background. Good idea though.

 Falling Leaf
Falling Leaf zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by Josh62088
Created August 11, 2005
9 votes   10 comments
500w x 439h (75KB)

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