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Franchise Factory...
Franchise Factory...
Where movie sequels are born and die, verticle extension, sources here: [img]

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seamusoisin seamusoisin
Govan Govan
very nice
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
you're a real bastard, you know that??? lol...what can i say...this is superb! BRAVO! BRAVO! ENCORE!
Patre Patre
Surreal and lots of interesting photoshopping..
Kansas Kansas
Super Hero's silo vote...
TheShaman TheShaman
At the MGM studios vote
yello_piggy yello_piggy
this is an untypical marco-pic ... random-vote! ;-)
babydoll86 babydoll86
everybodys headquarters!
IvanPanov IvanPanov
great story!
Spritle Spritle
very cool.
thatbobguy thatbobguy
Very crisp!
Eepi Eepi
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
very good idea marco!
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Is that glowing green goo or the Matrix screensaver?
Eve Eve
Lots of work, Marco!!!!
goldenslumbers goldenslumbers
movie vote
anfa anfa
Hey, where's Rocky? ;)
ayok ayok
CarlC CarlC
impressive skill and idea
cowboy399 cowboy399
cool. lots of work.
sysop912 sysop912
dbbowling dbbowling
villians and heros vote
wcgems wcgems
ReyRey ReyRey
Funny idea Marco!!!
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
Caldera Caldera
Cool, lots of elements to blend. The alien with the light saber cracked me up. The Matrix effect on the tower is great. What is falling in the left corner though?
jad3 jad3
good one
mason4300 mason4300
Persuader Persuader
ha! oh yeah marco i love your actionheros and the idea - i'm a big marvel- and comic-fan - really cool work bud (=
rockymike rockymike
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
15. I'm counting "mother nature" :-p if TIME can do it so can I.
claudiolky claudiolky
simply perfect
Serps Serps
Lord David Lord David
Hey! You didnt put the "incredible" Star Trek plot device in here!
blue_lurker blue_lurker
sweet...looking for a Silversurfer in there some where...I mean only the greatest super anti-hero ever...yep I know get a life.
tallwalker tallwalker
Azionite Azionite
fempie fempie
delucx delucx
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
fun pic. there's only 13, assuming the airplane is one of them. (and there were only two airplanes and ghostbusters...too few for a franchise! ;D )
mere_artist mere_artist
yo adrain!!! where's rocky?
Registered Registered
Great stuff
olive olive
supak0ma supak0ma
pegnolia pegnolia
j58roldan j58roldan
Very cool!
Wett Wett
awesome composition!
cafn8d cafn8d
Interesting composition, Marco :)
Claf Claf
Cool marco! Good idea! :)
L@rue L@rue
Synthvet Synthvet
Alien with a light saber...........we're toast!
nancers nancers


marcoballistic marcoballistic
ok tell me which franchises can you spot people, oh and Tofu, its the matrix number letter code thingy, it is, or should I ay was readable until I obviously scaled it to fit the silo. Ok of you go there are....14 to spot, some are not as obvious as others
marcoballistic marcoballistic
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol blue :oD
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol dam it feral, and I was going all american for most of you guys, ok then just sequel type films lol, and there are 14 ;o)
mere_artist mere_artist
feral. there's only two airplanes and ghostbusters so far. franchise factory is set in the future!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
**spoilers!** what am i missing? ghostbusters, airplane, nightmare on elm st., halloween, back to the future, lord of the rings, alien, star wars, matrix, spiderman, superman, batman, terminator. that's 13, darnit.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
it is subtle, clue, there were 2 to this films story, both in very different styles, and the clue to where it is on here: the reason I extended the tree line, think the trees ;o) come on feral, you can do it, it is the subtlest (if thats a word :oD)

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 Franchise Factory...
by marcoballistic
Created December 06, 2005
53 votes   7 comments
550w x 600h (106KB)

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