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High Stakes
High Stakes
PS-I love poker and card games. This is in honor of the fun and sometimes wealth we reap from them.

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mikey mikey
Good idea Eve ~ colorful too! ~
Kansas Kansas
Watched a lady lose $40,000 in 10 minutes once.. I often thought she could have bought a sports car for that. So yes to High Stakes. Great chop... Dreamy colors. Great technique.
seamusoisin seamusoisin
I really like your colours, and a great idea!
TheShaman TheShaman
This is how everything looks after a 24hr poker tourney.... Love it Eve
NButler NButler
I'm all in
Patre Patre
Gold chips have to be lucky..
Heinlein Heinlein
Excellent composition!
anabrin anabrin
Idea, colour, composition, great work.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
works superbly with the effects Eve, nice one indeed, great and fresh entry
Motorhead Motorhead
Good idea and nice job!
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
AAARRRGGGGHHHH I was sooooo gonna do this (not as impressionistic though and from another viewing angle). Guess I gotta vote for having the same mind.
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
This is a hot-poker image. Eh? Eh? I'm here all week.
mason4300 mason4300
heh, looks very neat. I enjoy a game of Texas Holdem every now and then. Are those million dollar chips?
thbeghin thbeghin
Netwel Netwel
Nice Eve!
Persuader Persuader
cool one Eve - i like the theme and the filtered look - well done =)
claudiolky claudiolky
interesting idea
Spritle Spritle
blue_lurker blue_lurker
tallwalker tallwalker
Michel Michel
"cross process" vote
Eepi Eepi
anfa anfa
sathelbert sathelbert
pegnolia pegnolia


Eve Eve
Go for it Tofu. As someone recently said (paraphrasing) if DaVinci wanted to paint a woman and thought, never mind, someone else has already painted a woman so I won't. Well, you get the idea. I'd love to see another poker image!
Eve Eve
Accuracy: J58roldan wrote on 12/10/05 in a thread re: the rose image: "Can you imagine so many artists through the years sitting in front of their canvas and thinking, well i wanted to paint a portrait of woman but Da Vinci painted one already."
Eve Eve
additional ideas: catepillar climbing up tree; dirty dishes cropped closely but aluding to being in dishwasher(brushwork can be fun); Pachanko game; AND the all time favorite, put it into an eyeball...then blend, blend and blend.

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 High Stakes
by Eve
Created December 14, 2005
26 votes   3 comments
550w x 434h (121KB)

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