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Eye Contact
Eye Contact
Took about five hours--all done by hand. The joke is, there was stuff I was supposed to be doing.

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armogeden armogeden
nice work tiff
ayok ayok
nice design
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol hope you got the stuff you were meant to be doing done tiff :oD this is fantastic, the look and the style, is brilliant
Patre Patre
Absolutely ingenious...from the theme title to artistic style and illustration. I really like this image.
Eve Eve
great work!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
mikey mikey
Wow! ~
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
Kansas Kansas
I'm Kansas and I'm an Artiholic... I got hooked on PSC about 5 weeks ago...Queen will you be my sponsor? hahaha...Love your work the change is fantastic...
thatbobguy thatbobguy
I'm Bob and i'm a artaholic-I answered yes to all your questions. BTW very cool transformation on todays pic.
Netwel Netwel
mason4300 mason4300
looks like the cat is camoflauged lol
Michel Michel
It's all fantastic, even the booger out of the cat's nose.
dbbowling dbbowling
Great vector art La Tiff :D
Persuader Persuader
different work but i really like it. nicely done Queen =)
anabrin anabrin
Caldera Caldera
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
rashdog rashdog
very nice! vectoricious! (I can also identify with the putting off of important work as well...)
cher6877 cher6877
this is very nice
16ozBud 16ozBud
I was doing an illustrator post as well, I became too detailed and was half done at about 4 hours and said - SCREW IT. Ive got more important things to do :)
Serps Serps
claudiolky claudiolky
Lord David Lord David
blue_lurker blue_lurker
cowboy399 cowboy399
Goat1981 Goat1981
Cool work. Lots of effort.
tallwalker tallwalker
tsitra tsitra
sign me up, answered yes to all, and would like to add, is art effecting the amount of sleep u get? "This shouldn't take long, just have to add this one detail, an hour later, repeat as needed.time now is 3:56am
Wett Wett
awesome! awesome! awesome!
billtvshow billtvshow
sage sage
anfa anfa
delucx delucx
cafn8d cafn8d
pegnolia pegnolia
TheShaman TheShaman


Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
lol marco--I need a 12-step program. Is your art affecting your ability to do your work? Do you do art by yourself? Do you have to make art every day? Do your relationships suffer because of your art?...
Michel Michel
camo cat
mason4300 mason4300
did you see my vote comment, Michel? lol
Michel Michel
mason, I didn't. I guess we saw the same thing.
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
artiholic = can't live without artihol

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 Eye Contact
by Queen La Tiff
Queen La Tiff
Created December 16, 2005
38 votes   5 comments
550w x 550h (113KB)

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