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Okay, let me be the unpopular one by stating that I find this offensive and inappropriate. There I said it and so what?
I respect that Eve, but it's meant to be a bit of an CSI joke.. Love that show! I had no intention to offend anyone, ofcourse. But there's no need to get so hostile on me. Quote: "There I said it and so what?" It's only a joke...
Calm down, Jeroentjuh. Okay, if was a joke (and I CAN take one) why not title it CSI or something like that. I don't think my comment was hostile. Certainly didn't intend it to be either. I included the last sentence so I wouldn't get a bunch
of crap from the those on this site who don't get offended by overt violence. No one expects "flowery" images all the time but I'm certain you could've come up with something else or make it clear it's a parody within the title or author
It's okay, don't worry. I respect your opinion. But I don't want to do anything else. The title says if I had a hammer... Don't you know the hammer song? The music is by Lee Hays and Pete Seeger... Seems clear to me it's a parody.
Look at the first comment (Davinci) he finishes the title, the way the song goes. He'd get it. I would love to explain everything better to you, but my english isn't that gr8. But I bet it's better than your Dutch! ;) (it's a joke, by the
way) :-P Happy hollidays! ;) I should also say: Don't try this at home!
If I had a hammer...
by Jeroentjuh
Created December 18, 2005
18 votes
425w x 395h (73KB)
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