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Avalange Rafting
Avalange Rafting
Added snow in front of the boat. New lighting. Added the dude's arms and drawn the paddles

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marcoballistic marcoballistic
really great quality Goeny, this is great, hope it does really well
karell karell
cool :>)
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
great job on the drawing of the paddles, also like te snow in front of the boat, looks realistic!
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
agreed! good one goeny! nice integration & paddles
oinsain oinsain
good job
TheShaman TheShaman
knows how hard making this can be.
downtownbrown374 downtownbrown374
this is really nice, good work on the arms
nav nav
dtm456 dtm456
tht would be fun
seamusoisin seamusoisin
ReyRey ReyRey
Serps Serps
200puls 200puls
Patre Patre
Hope they can paddle faster than that avalanche can fall...
blue_lurker blue_lurker
sweet, but chilly
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Wonderful! =)
Netwel Netwel
spectacular Goeny!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
sotiris sotiris
Heinlein Heinlein
good work
boorboolini boorboolini
like the track that leaves behind!
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Wett Wett
anfa anfa
Cool! :)
Cambria Cambria
lol.. love it. Would like to see a ski pole in place of a paddle!
mikey mikey
olive olive
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Caldera Caldera
Nicely done
jerry717 jerry717
Claf Claf


Goeny Goeny
thx marco, it wasn't easy to make. especialy the paddles were hard to draw. I am still learning PS so i hope my future entry's will be even better.
Goeny Goeny
I like your entry too shaman. The breathclouds are a nice detail
Goeny Goeny
so thats how you spel avalanche...
Goeny Goeny
Patre. I know for sure they can paddle faster. That Avalanche is really a guy with his snowboard hitting the brakes. I just enlarged it a bit. thx for your vote.
Goeny Goeny
Lol, that would be a good idea as well Cambria. Had a to hard time with drawing the paddles to change it now though.
Rex Cross Rex Cross

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 Avalange Rafting
by Goeny
Created February 06, 2006
31 votes   6 comments
550w x 413h (70KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  3
theme  1

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