Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Happy birthday also to EJH, even though she's on vacation...
Happy St. Pat's from the McGillie clan! Here's some true Irish toast action for when you're falling down drunk later:
"A blessing on your enemies' enemies"
"May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you're dead."
This one's kind of foggy in my mind, but I think it goes
"May the road rise to meet your feet, may the wind always be at your back, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand."
And for those of you actually LIVING in Ireland right now, thanks for putting up with us idiots. No other people would look too kindly on the rest of the world appropriating their culture once a year, painting their flag all over our faces and other places, and claiming to be what you are just to get kisses!
On the up side, you guys have real Guinness.