jaacob wrote:
nancers: I apologize if I'm stepping on toes by posting about it here - photoshop contests aren't something I have ever entered or run before. There's a goofy site called InBubbleWrap that gives away business books, and when you win one, you're supposed to take a picture of yourself with the bubblewrapper on your head - after I saw my picture in the computer I thought it would be funny to let people play with it.
Then I realized that a large percentage of that community probably doesn't know how to use Photoshop, so I starting searching around to see if there were other people that might be interested in the joke.
Anyways, my feelings won't be hurt if you just want to delete the thread. Cheers.
eve: No, I haven't poked around the site really. No idea what H2H (guessing Head to Head) or why it's a can of worms or cockle game or ...
And just to clarify, I don't sell the books, nor do I get a cut of them. I just like InBubbleWrap and business books.
1. Before I did anything I went to your site and poked around and I also checked out iBW. Guess no one else from here did this as OCD as I did

I even checked out the WHOIS records to make sure you didn't run both sites and were doing this as a publicity stunt for either/both sites.
2. I came to the same conclusion you did about your "other" community. No offense but everyone there seem like the types that would use a computer for analytical spreadsheets and stock trading. So I decided to go ahead and make a pic.
3. Nancers brought her point up because we frequently get people who register here and then post a "chop this for me" message in the forums. Usually it's people who want us to do the work so that they can benefit from it (i.e. posting the image in another forum as their own work or as an attempt to win a prize that they most definitely don't deserve). Since you were very up front about your intentions I felt it safe to play with the pic. BTW, nice job cutting yourself out for the .psd. Obviously I was wrong about #2 in your case.

You seem to know some stuff about web authoring and Photoshop and not just Excel/Lotus and Act! software. Either that or you've got friends in the know.
4. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say you seem to know at least something about Photoshop. With that you should seriously consider sticking around here and playing in the contests. From a business standpoint think of it with these reasons:
a) You'd be networking with new people. Networking=good in business right?
b) You'd hone a valuable skill that could help diversify your resume'
c) Participation is totally free. Well okay not totally. You need your computer, software, Internet connection, electricity, blah, blah, blah, but you get my point right?
d) Basically your ROI would never be negative (other than time but that's decompression time right).
e) You could become a member of one of the best communities on the web and make some great friends. Oh wait that's wrapped up in a). Oh well.
Think about it.....
p.s. Brittany's a cutie. Way to go there! And the cat (Ana) looks EXACTLY like my cat Micah. I mean they could be stunt doubles for each other.
p.s.s. the part about you knowing Photoshop is a heavy dose of sarcasm. I saw that you are very much a designer and web geek. I also saw that you're trying to finish your MFA in lithography. Good luck on that endeavor!