Welcome, welcome! Here, let me get the door for you...
This is the Losers' Lounge, where those of us who've been trounced can come and commiserate about our loss, how we were badly paired, or the horrible visions of bananas running through our minds.
Winners: you're free to look through the windows but admission is an H2H loss.
Personally, I started with my first three ideas right away. Two were quite possible to complete but my third -- the Fruit and Veggie City -- was too impossible given that:
1) I was not able to stay up until 0500 like some competators with no life (yeah, I'm talkin' to you, arc!

2) I did not have the CPU horsepower at home, and
3) I did not ultimately have the skillz to make my vision a reality.
I don't know why but sometimes I get an image and I can do magic with it in just a short time -- case in point, my favorites
* Rainy City (
* Field Trip (
-- and other times, I just can't make the pixels dance (too many entries to mention).
I'm glad, however, for the anonymous voting: it lends itself to supporting an image for what it is rather than for the person who made it.
Thanks for the fun, PSC!
Now, where's my Guinness?