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Location: in a 3' x 3' x 3' box
Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:50 am Reply with quote
umm mason
Fo'shockle my Cockle
Experience: 77582
Level: 83
Force Field
Worn Ice-cream Cone of +3 Reconcilement
Round 1
psc cockle sets the shark upon Fo'shockle my Cockle in a viscious attack
Fo'shockle my Cockle's ultra force field generator fails and implodes!
Health: 90 Health: (-296) -158
psc cockle won!
psc cockle gained 148 experience!
psc cockle plundered 793752 gold!
some super cockle. i just cockle slapped it.
_________________ Squirrels are fast, furry, and always thinking WORLD DOMINATION.
Location: in a 3' x 3' x 3' box
Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:01 am Reply with quote
well i explored as many psc cockles as i could
_________________ Squirrels are fast, furry, and always thinking WORLD DOMINATION.
Location: in a 3' x 3' x 3' box
Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:47 am Reply with quote
now has anyone ever gotten more exp then this Zebob won!
Zebob gained 4131 experience!
Zebob went up in level!
Zebob plundered 16837859 gold!
all from redwing106
_________________ Squirrels are fast, furry, and always thinking WORLD DOMINATION.
Location: Massachusetts
Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:55 am Reply with quote
I put in 413 for level... chose Zeven543 (level 415)... lost.
copied/pasted his name... WON... LOST OVER 200 xp (only plundered 85 gold); and Zeven543 is listed as "level 41" on the fight page!
Double-checked my battles page... got the name right. Searched levels 41-42; didn't see Zeven543. Went back to level 415, saw Zeven543; lost.
Location: Back where I belong.
Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:07 am Reply with quote
TofuTheMediocre gained 2272 experience!
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:52 am Reply with quote
Again, I say, attack SIXER. this guy steals money from me daily, and since I don't need money anymore, I hate to see some un-PSC member take it. so, if you attack him, essentially you get my money and xp. Don't attack him unless you are really strong and are above level 70. happy hunting
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Massachusetts
Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:00 pm Reply with quote
mason4300 wrote: Again, I say, attack SIXER. this guy steals money from me daily, and since I don't need money anymore, I hate to see some un-PSC member take it. so, if you attack him, essentially you get my money and xp. Don't attack him unless you are really strong and are above level 70. happy hunting
Monday 03:02 Sixer attacked you and plundered 839802 Gold
Monday 14:26 You attacked Sixer and lost.
Monday 14:26 You attacked Sixer and lost.
Monday 14:26 You attacked Sixer and lost.
Monday 14:26 You attacked Sixer and lost.
Later... in Chat...
Alex 04/17 @ 10:08 am
Monday 14:26 cafn8d attacked you and lost
Monday 14:26 cafn8d attacked you and lost
Monday 14:26 cafn8d attacked you and lost
Monday 14:26 cafn8d attacked you and lost
Alex 04/17 @ 10:08 am
Mouhahaha! Just too strong!
cafn8d 04/17 @ 10:10 am
Ah... so YOU'RE "sixer"... okay.
Alex 04/17 @ 10:10 am
haha. Yes I am caf. sorry. I won't do it again.
cafn8d 04/17 @ 10:11 am
Sure... isn't that what you said THE LAST TIME????

Location: Back where I belong.
Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:12 pm Reply with quote
Tuesday 17:48 You attacked Busty241 and plundered 203581 Gold
Tuesday 17:48 You attacked Unkown Territory963 and plundered 249049 Gold
Tuesday 17:48 You attacked Eekonian122 and plundered 316166 Gold
Tuesday 17:48 You attacked Gandalf154 and plundered 229855 Gold
Tuesday 17:47 You attacked Feets767 and plundered 195503 Gold
Tuesday 17:47 You attacked tee-S136 and plundered 347065 Gold
Tuesday 17:46 You attacked Adrianne406 and plundered 385110 Gold
Tuesday 17:45 You attacked {Chiark}208 and plundered 268459 Gold
Tuesday 17:45 You attacked Gabbie620 and plundered 34240 Gold
Tuesday 17:45 You attacked edis758 and plundered 41092 Gold
Tuesday 17:44 You attacked Galactica974 and plundered 41188 Gold
Tuesday 17:44 You attacked shagrat464 and plundered 33763 Gold
Tuesday 17:44 You attacked Shockster904 and plundered 14641486 Gold
Tuesday 17:44 You attacked Odal'n851 and plundered 12159953 Gold
Tuesday 17:43 You attacked Embla977 and plundered 12705038 Gold
Tuesday 17:43 You attacked meadow342 and plundered 15018309 Gold
Tuesday 17:43 You attacked ultimatewar589 and plundered 12113160 Gold
Tuesday 17:43 You attacked Teletubbies350 and plundered 14225655 Gold
Tuesday 17:42 You attacked New Horizon692 and plundered 13820300 Gold
Tuesday 17:42 You attacked SiusaidCatriona263 and plundered 29307 Gold
Tuesday 17:41 You attacked liperp26 and plundered 33177 Gold
Tuesday 17:41 You attacked Wu-Tang176 and plundered 11887300 Gold
Tuesday 17:41 You attacked High King Eomer702 and plundered 33542 Gold
Tuesday 17:41 You attacked 4th665 and plundered 16078750 Gold
Tuesday 17:41 You attacked Disney829 and plundered 12263731 Gold
Tuesday 17:40 You attacked porker803 and plundered 6425045 Gold
Tuesday 17:40 You attacked fuktig tarmgass625 and plundered 7261320 Gold
Tuesday 17:40 You attacked Roseland348 and plundered 10977480 Gold
Tuesday 17:39 You attacked Fang248 and plundered 222775 Gold
Tuesday 17:39 You attacked Budvar51 and plundered 193313 Gold
Tuesday 17:34 You attacked HAPPY WORLD7 and plundered 277964 Gold
Tuesday 17:34 You attacked Galactica115 and plundered 236635 Gold
Tuesday 17:34 You attacked SPAZMATIK773 and plundered 11318529 Gold
Tuesday 17:33 You attacked teleloto566 and plundered 5685266 Gold
Tuesday 17:33 You attacked dehelle922 and plundered 304417 Gold
Tuesday 17:33 You attacked Brave Heart190 and plundered 251853 Gold
Tuesday 17:33 You attacked Gidget325 and plundered 313511 Gold
Tuesday 17:33 You attacked Chagatia945 and plundered 322412 Gold
Tuesday 17:33 You attacked Dana512 and plundered 366182 Gold
Tuesday 17:32 You attacked CounterBreak and plundered 23189737 Gold
Tuesday 17:31 You attacked Mephisto646 and plundered 10961020 Gold
Tuesday 17:31 You attacked {Chiark}513 and plundered 4286693 Gold
Tuesday 17:31 You attacked highkic785 and plundered 3419156 Gold
Tuesday 17:30 You attacked Kung Fu Monkey350 and plundered 5514158 Gold
Tuesday 17:30 You attacked Feldon647 and plundered 5394926 Gold
Tuesday 17:30 You attacked Echo705 and plundered 2844371 Gold
Tuesday 17:30 You attacked Andeby566 and plundered 5214930 Gold
Tuesday 17:29 You attacked Ace358 and plundered 4241207 Gold
Tuesday 17:29 You attacked burnthwal833 and plundered 5547044 Gold
Tuesday 17:29 You attacked Sprouter6958 and plundered 3908759 Gold
Tuesday 17:28 You attacked RapidFire515 and plundered 2786915 Gold
Tuesday 17:28 You attacked Gandalf486 and plundered 3564473 Gold
Tuesday 17:28 You attacked Cymru Newydd915 and plundered 4677454 Gold
Tuesday 17:27 You attacked Feebee389 and plundered 22319 Gold
Tuesday 17:27 You attacked Eliot660 and plundered 7938970 Gold
Tuesday 17:27 You attacked VridZz935 and plundered 12894051 Gold
So TofuTheGreat now has a Crusher and Force Field. Attack at will if you must. I think he's level 87?
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:29 pm Reply with quote
damn, you Alex!! stop your incessant bombardment!!  ok, as long as you're a PSC, its ok, then.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Montreal
Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Haha! Yes... Those who need money, attack me. I'll gladly give it all to ya! I don't need it anymore either.
Mason, your comment made my day!
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
Location: in a 3' x 3' x 3' box
Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:55 am Reply with quote
Wednesday 14:52 You attacked warhawK931 and plundered 11355070 Gold
Wednesday 14:52 You attacked MajorKiller329 and plundered 12301763 Gold
Wednesday 14:52 You attacked Gilbert291 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked Batnfjord244 and plundered 14180876 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked diSib20 and plundered 14083683 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked dest117 and plundered 11443646 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked Abbey284 and plundered 12391515 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked EioLFeN844 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked gemil977 and plundered 8059123 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked Ernie725 and plundered 7927 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked Chagatia127 and plundered 9198797 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked ZekeTheWorlf546 and plundered 11144413 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked robert909 and plundered 9082213 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked Cardassia147 and plundered 13482466 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked PeaceOnEArth744 and plundered 8779739 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked fullcrum502 and plundered 11995393 Gold
Wednesday 14:51 You attacked GDZE OUTLAW332 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:50 You attacked Upsilon162 and plundered 7840769 Gold
Wednesday 14:50 You attacked bread417 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:50 You attacked Eekonian871 and plundered 122 Gold
Wednesday 14:50 You attacked Asyk and plundered 222 Gold
Wednesday 14:50 You attacked Species8472567 and plundered 117 Gold
Wednesday 14:50 You attacked Gabriella177 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:49 You attacked {Chiark}795 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:49 You attacked rigormortis274 and plundered 182980 Gold
Wednesday 14:49 You attacked doddle world751 and plundered 6763113 Gold
Wednesday 14:49 You attacked Backflip246 and plundered 4992560 Gold
Wednesday 14:49 You attacked zeus147 and plundered 0 Gold
Wednesday 14:49 You attacked zeus147 and plundered 7860431 Gold
Wednesday 14:48 You attacked mulder936 and plundered 6728521 Gold
Wednesday 14:48 You attacked Plutoius525 and plundered 6719032 Gold
Wednesday 14:48 You attacked willdawn and plundered 0 Gold
_________________ Squirrels are fast, furry, and always thinking WORLD DOMINATION.
Location: in a 3' x 3' x 3' box
Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:12 am Reply with quote
you may attack me and my 600 million gold. only problem is that with 600 million you only steal about 9 million
_________________ Squirrels are fast, furry, and always thinking WORLD DOMINATION.
Location: JiangXi, China
Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:47 am Reply with quote
thanks Zebob.
I've been suckling gold from that sweet sweet Zebob teet for a couple days now. It's a nice boost.
Thanks for posting the money makers, too. I have a hard time finding them on my own--like 1 out of 40 has gives more than a million. I'm about level 70 now, but I fight at the 100 level, hoping to find cockles with more gold... I actually win quite a bit, but still hardly ever get the gold.
Anyone have a list of cockles who give a lot of experience? That's what I'm really after now...
Location: in a 3' x 3' x 3' box
Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:40 am Reply with quote
Thursday 13:35 You attacked Bjorn485 and plundered 11022573 Gold
Thursday 13:35 You attacked Teletubbies289 and plundered 13849507 Gold
Thursday 13:35 You attacked stuntcockER and plundered 15306376 Gold
Thursday 13:35 You attacked Eche370 and plundered 4146344 Gold
Thursday 13:35 You attacked Cloud103 and plundered 5307760 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked pipezy966 and plundered 12212157 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked Veget'a727 and plundered 11802467 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked edgeworld972 and plundered 5446022 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked Languass872 and plundered 13181318 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked Celis159 and plundered 7940057 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked Daniel936 and plundered 7022131 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked capachol933 and plundered 8165490 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked iamgod613 and plundered 993551 Gold
Thursday 13:34 You attacked The Laird795 and plundered 2751737 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Nemesis766 and plundered 4139320 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Silicon Heaven449 and plundered 4904664 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Damar45 and plundered 6860664 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Fancy454 and plundered 93685 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Jonken and plundered 21653 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Pixmania776 and plundered 11394659 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked Lloydo122 and plundered 7160427 Gold
Thursday 13:33 You attacked lantra258 and plundered 60567 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked Gizmo364 and plundered 85284 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked dave967 and plundered 8617483 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked Baron Adrossan836 and plundered 90456 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked Mr Hankey907 and plundered 11012080 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked HomeBase925 and plundered 9687506 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked mojojojo633 and plundered 11040624 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked Batnfjord566 and plundered 10396282 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked Reaper Quake Master7 and plundered 12078015 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked diSib20 and plundered 12590432 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked dest117 and plundered 11959734 Gold
Thursday 13:32 You attacked SED557 and plundered 9113238 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked GhostFaceKiller51 and plundered 8163172 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked Scrote122 and plundered 10911594 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked Raufoss210 and plundered 9674643 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked wiggleman863 and plundered 7679247 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked armageddon641 and plundered 12418391 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked psycho_guy714 and plundered 10146422 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked EZ Now963 and plundered 9018134 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked fullcrum541 and plundered 9653348 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked Wonderin354 and plundered 13775127 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked Cymru Newydd140 and plundered 11970578 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked wiggleman49 and plundered 8183867 Gold
Thursday 13:31 You attacked Mr Brandom440 and plundered 12422148 Gold
If you beat everyone on this list you will get close to 400 million gold. right now my cockle has 1billion gold
_________________ Squirrels are fast, furry, and always thinking WORLD DOMINATION.
Location: Montreal
Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:13 pm Reply with quote
You attacked willdawn and plundered 1879220 Gold
This is the #1 cockle in the world. I've beat him in one strike, at my first attempt. My days are done at cocklefighting. I've done it all.
A round of applause for Sixer, please.

_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
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