I predict a content baby, who sleeps through the night.
Remember, when the babies upset, check diaper, burp him, feed him--
that's 99% of it and remember, when a baby is hungry they actually feel quite a lot of pain,
so if the crying is quite strong/vociferous try to feed first.
Also..Great name!
OH! and hey, it has never taken me more than 60 seconds to woo a baby to sleep,
hold baby snuggly in the usual manner, gently place index finger at center of forehead and gently but slightly firmly run the finger down to the tip of nose,,
baby will close eyes..kepp doing it...if still slightly restless, place your face close enough for them to smell Daddie's breath--lastly, if baby is intent on being awake and nothing is working,
do these things but now..everytime he tries to take a deep breath(he's fighting to stay awake) blow a puff of air directly at his nostrils...he will squirm slightly and still breathe deeply but will be calmed--also anytime a baby is about to break out crying, you can preempt them from building up a head of steam by puffing directly at their nose--each time they go to holler..puff again--within seconds, baby forgets he was disturbed
and is once again content.
My eldest child is 6.5 years old....I have three kids and in that time have lost a total of three nights sleep...unlike ANYONE else I know---that is why---
teething pain was the three nights....oh yeah, get the baby "oragel" NOW,
just to be sure you have it the moment teething starts. You'll be glad you were prepared.