roy Green wrote:
None of us know anything about the American revolution, you got to realise that at school you get taught the history of your country, people all around the world are not learning about the American civial war, only in the USA!
I know a lot about the world wars, because i seen documentries and stuff, (and studied ww2 at school) but as far as the american civil war goes, all i know is that it involved Georgre Washington and that there was the battle of gettysburg, i heard a bit of the gettysburg address because it some how ended up in my downloaded music folder!
George Washington was the Revolutionary War. The Gettysburg address and the Battle of Gettysburg was during the America Civil War with Abraham Lincoln.
There's been lots of wars in America's history (no comment there). According to the history that we're taught the US is 4-1-1 in wars.
Revoluationary War - Won
Civil War - Won? It was states v states so how do you say who won?
Spanish American War - Won
Korean War - Draw according to some
Vietnam War - Lost and according to US law it wasn't an official war. Only congress can declare war and they never declared the "police action" in Vietnam as a war.
First Gulf War - a.k.a. Desert Storm - Won? Saddam was left in power to brutalize his country and people. So is that really a win?
I'm not a history buff so I'm sure that there's others that I have left off the list (I think there was a Franco-American war too? )

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey