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Location: VeniceFlaUS
Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:36 pm Reply with quote
PLEASE< for the sake of the ISA...get rid of the barber pole!!!
IF anything, put more subliminal images in that tree..
Jesus in a tree!
Location: Kansas
Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:45 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: PLEASE< for the sake of the ISA...get rid of the barber pole!!!
IF anything, put more subliminal images in that tree..
Jesus in a tree!
Dude... there can't be Jesus in the tree... You already said there was a naked woman there..What the heck!  lol
_________________ Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Albert Einstein
Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:48 pm Reply with quote
How about a space station? Can we put in a space station??? hmmmph...and they thought I was silly for posting my suspicions...Trolls, indeed! 
Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:08 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: PLEASE< for the sake of the ISA...get rid of the barber pole!!!
IF anything, put more subliminal images in that tree..
Jesus in a tree!
Stop defaming me and my barber pole. You're just a troll that has been planted at this site by the FBI to defame my barber pole creativity.
And I won't stand for it, I tell ya!
You're on my "list" Mr. Shade. Keep a watch on your bra strap! 
Location: Kansas
Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:58 pm Reply with quote
Stop defaming me and my barber pole.
I believe we've moved past the barber pole.....Dp's tree definitely got me past the barber pole...
When I started out on this venture I didn't think we could do the deeal without the barber pole, but I've seent he light!
_________________ Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Albert Einstein
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:52 pm Reply with quote
Azion's pretty stinking sensitive for a Gov'ment Cyberstalker.

Location: Norfolk, VA
Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:47 pm Reply with quote
Hope you don't mind another take.
I don't get to do as much logo design work these days so it was fun to play.
I went for a more relaxed, small business approach. The name itself is light-hearted, so I went with a more playful look. Either would cut well in vinyl, the top would obviously hold up better to a one-color application, greyscale would work for the second, or with a little effort a nice line art version of the graphic would to the job.
you could easily drop in a tag-line or slogan under the name.
if printing, a subtle drop shadow on the name makes it pop.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:58 pm Reply with quote
J-elzic and doing "scissors" in a chop!
Location: Kansas
Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:27 pm Reply with quote
j-elzic wrote: Hope you don't mind another take.
I don't get to do as much logo design work these days so it was fun to play.
I went for a more relaxed, small business approach. The name itself is light-hearted, so I went with a more playful look. Either would cut well in vinyl, the top would obviously hold up better to a one-color application, greyscale would work for the second, or with a little effort a nice line art version of the graphic would to the job.
you could easily drop in a tag-line or slogan under the name.
if printing, a subtle drop shadow on the name makes it pop.
Wow... Now it's even harder to pick... It's funny that this should come up because he is a one man show and the thing he talked about when looking at the other name was that he didn't want to lose his light-heartedness... So when you even used those words to describe it I thought wow...
Scion... I can't seem to make a move without asking... Which do you like best so far... The name is going to stay Arbor Barber for sure. I've decided that much.. but as far as the logo itself.. do you like the new direction.. or should we steer back to the other tree?
I like em both! I need some direction.... You guys are da bomb!
_________________ Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Albert Einstein
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:42 pm Reply with quote
I like it....And he's right--grreat for the Vinyl..
Now about that one man operation thing.....
Please let him know you have concern about a man doing such a dangerous job with noone else around.
Tell him I said....
Just give it a try--find a guy to work with him just one day..
one day...........tell him that for him and the NOT let any person within eyesight from where you are working be seen without
these guys smiling at them, and giving them some kinda greeting--=-
a good natured tree care guy who puts the effort out NOT to let anyone get within his eyesight without saying something cheerful to them will find he needs no advertisement...will from that first day find himself NECK deep in work...
and will never want to work without a helper again. this biz there are two kindsa guys that make good money--
the first is a sneaky creep who way overbills and basicaslly rips people off..
the other is the guy who ALWAYS smiles, and I mean if some whacko customer's neighbore comes out
yelling in his face cause his chainsaw woke him uo at ten in the morning--
Those crazy people ALWAYS get embarrassed about how they acted after that and become yer biggest fans.
make sure he wears his PPE too..OK?
And those husqvarna helmets at Lowe's happen to be t5he best helmets you can get, and buy a pair of X-factor work shades at home depot...
and anything he doesn't know or is unsure about...tell him to call me.
Canuck <º)))><
Location: Dorchester, Ontario Canada
Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:14 pm Reply with quote
Okay, now that we're finally heading in the right direction again
Wouldn't this go well with his climbing competition sideline too? Maybe with J's font?
Location: Kansas
Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:23 am Reply with quote
I will be showing Tim the designs... While we were all decided he needed to stay with Arbor Barber he was getting used to the idea of Botanic Art.
I couldn't get a hold of him for a couple of days and he was going with what I had recommended a couple of days ago.
So I will catch him up on the conversations around here and go from there. I told him how noone could get the Arbor Barber out of their head! lol
_________________ Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Albert Einstein
Location: Kansas
Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:08 pm Reply with quote
I like the name Arbor Barber as much as you do. I ran Botanic Art by a good friend of mine and both of us had take a minute for it to sink in. She had me say a few times then she understood what I was saying. She like Arbor Barber do I. The logos you sent are ok. I think I prefer something with a tree and a climber with either scissors or a chainsaw.
This is feedback from the Arbor Barber family...Just a heads up.
_________________ Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Albert Einstein
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:13 pm Reply with quote
You can use J-elzic's logo with DP's tree in the background--
You can't get any better than this.
Having a climber in a logo is's not useful.
Besides...the guy in the profile is learning how to use spikes...
it shows.
And a barber pole is going to far into corny land IMHO.
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