Ahhhh nothing says love like Deviants from hell and armageddan,dislexic Pharoahs and puppies and pigs ..

makes a girl feel right at home!
Thanks DB...sounds like good advice.I learned to chop on Freakingnews so I can take constructive critism pretty good. Not worried about votes tho they are nice to get, I am getting a feel for the site as you suggested.
Bx ..thank you I was getting my sea legs and wanted to make sure that my chopping wasn't gonna land me in DQ hell prior to getting advantage. I will get it as I definitly see the advantage on early posting.
When I am in Belize I am in Maya Centre and Yes it is a beautiful Country! Dangriga is the closest town and I will be working at the hospital there when I get liquidated in the states.
Micose looked at your deviant site...lovely work!