samuelb wrote:
Ik dacht het niet, we blowen alleen maar en we dragen allemaal klompen...
(I don't think so, the only thing we do I smokin' pot and we all wear wooden shoes...)
Dude, You make us Dutchfolks all look bad,
as if people in the states don't allready have horrible ideas about us.They think we're all gay, smoke pot and live underwater.
(ok I smoke the occasional joint too) Oeps...
But i sure as hell don't wear wooden shoes.
Anyway, are you the dude from Amersfoort?
I have been searching for him. I live there to (Soesterquartier,Klinkt duurder
als je het op z'n frans uitspreekt.)
My real name is Herbert. You might know me.
I am the postman.
Later dude