i bring your attention to this article
"In addition, MICROSOFT will include the winning concept car in an Xbox 360 video game. The future winner is hereby informed that he/she will not receive any remuneration for this."
Payment or compensation received for services or employment. This includes the base salary and any bonuses or other economic benefits that an employee or executive receives during employment.
"Clause 7: Communication authorisation
By their participation each winner freely authorises Peugeot and/or any partner to this contest to use his/her name, first name, address and picture for commercial purposes as part of the communications that surround this Design Contest and past and future Design Contests."
this contest is for hobbiests considering the salery for a designer of this magnitude usually ends up in the 30 thousand pounds range, mainly because of the technical expertise required.
And basicaly they use you to sell their car without you getting rewards or royalties all you get is the comparativly lesser prize
also you most likly will relinquish any rights to the design the only get out clause being that the design wasn't yours in the first place. Basically you sell the rights to it once you enter the compo. which could be a real gip if your design comes with a nifty new feature. that could have been patented,
Always read the terms the long term effects could be fairly unsightful for you. Taking away an idea which could make you rich...
and lastly i wont be entering into this contest at all because of this...
"These rights include property rights to reproduction, representation, adaptation in any way and in any form for any procedure and on any media, present or future.
This means in particular that Peugeot Citroen Automobiles can make any adaptation of the winning design that it deems necessary, in particular to make the full-scale model that it will make from the said design for the Frankfurt Motor Show.
In addition, Peugeot Citroen Automobiles may register the winning vehicle design as a registered design and model in all countries, in its own name and at its own cost, at its discretion. The winner, and in the event of a minor his/her legal representative, undertakes to complete and sign all the documents that might be required for such registration/s. This transfer of copyright is subject to French national law."
In my oppinion this is a kiddies tournament. if your seriously thinking about graphics as a career then you need to realise the value of a design idea. ideas make millions of moneys, like big brother thats an idea. any concept art must be protected like gold because it has a potential value unknown and you want to cash in. which is why i am reluctant to chop often i reseve most of the work ideas are ones that have been done before,
It doesnt pay to give things away
Now theres a quote that will get ya far in life