In Honor of Anfas 500 entries. Post some of your favorites here.
Here is the one that I think sucks the least.
Also share your favorite Anfa stories. God knows we all have tons of stories about Anfa and all those stories about his life that he has shared with all of us.

What? He doesn't share with you either? No? Well then what about your favorite part of his "Chopper Profile"?>>> What?.. He won't answer the questions?.. Well how about all the times he shared his techniques with us little people?.

No?... O.K. well how about we post some pictures of him from our??.....

Nobody knows what he looks like??? O.K. well how about............. Awe F#@!k it just post your favorite image here Damn it!!
Let's just start rumors and create a life for him. Who knows what he does for a living? Can we hire a private investigator??? JMH? Could you look into that.
Who is this Anfa???? Does he really exist. Does he hang out with the Loche ness monster, Santa, and bigfoot. Has he been seen drinking banana smoothies with Elvis. Is he from this planet or Uranis

. Is he a Man? Is he a Myth? Is he a Mythss (Mrs.)
Who Knows? Who can find out? Let's answer those questions here!