Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Photoshop Tutorial Authors wanted. $10 per tutorial. - Reply to topic
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Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:54 pm Reply with quote
Chicken wrote: I think they call that "slave labor" ....Kathy Lee Gifford would be proud!
Cranking out a tutorial typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour. So that's between $10 to $20/hour. Riiiight...that kind of wage ranks right up there with slave labor. 
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:50 pm Reply with quote
Chopper wrote:
...However, I can now pay $10.00 per tutorial (this would be for exclusive rights to the tutorial).
...Please include at least a couple samples of photoshop work that you've done.
...If tutorials meet standards. I can continue to pay as many as you can create.
Ok so basically
you want,
To pay a professional member of this forum.
- A unique tutorial
- with exclusive rights to said tutorial (which is nigh impossible seeing as the internet is a cut and paste society)
- basically loosing rights to your own work.
- the time spent print screening a tutorial, along with typing up and inserting img tags as well as correcting gramatical, terminological, and spelling errors would take at least 2 hours
of somebodys time who is (fully qualified in the areas of grammer, spelling and photoshop with portfolio to prove this.)
- which paying at the minimum wage in a country with a higher rate than america... england for example would be more like 6 to 7 pounds
which is more like 3 to 3.5 pounds per hour for a time worth the equivalant of 10 times that... dispite the fact it doesnt meat minimum wage)
Mountain vs mole hill.
Ya see why people are saying things like
"insane thread"
"Slave labour"
baring in mind that a logo costs the average client anything upto 150 quid but a tutorial is instructional which would work out as a lot more.
Because if joe public can do a graphics designers job it would be bad for buisness...
See the main problem.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:24 pm Reply with quote
I Don't Believe in TUTORIALS. (They've brought me heartache and embarrassment (specially when I do them in small closed spaces)).
But I DO believe in YOU, Chopper! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:35 pm Reply with quote
Marx-man wrote:
Ok so basically you want to pay a professional member of this forum.
Oooh, a professional member? Can I be one of those? I'm tired of being an amateur member.
Marx-man wrote:
$10 For:
- A unique tutorial
Marx-man wrote:
- with exclusive rights to said tutorial (which is nigh impossible seeing as the internet is a cut and paste society)
Do you really believe that the Internet void of copyright laws? Please...
If anyone copies and pastes a tutorial of mine on their site, I'd slap them with a cease and desist order before they could say "Marx-man is a newbie!".
Marx-man wrote:
- basically loosing rights to your own work.
Absolutely. I am hiring the author as an employee who will create content for my websites. Do you actually believe that web designers retain the rights to the designs they create for their clients who pay them?
Marx-man wrote:
- the time spent print screening a tutorial, along with typing up and inserting img tags as well as correcting gramatical, terminological, and spelling errors would take at least 2 hours
of somebodys time who is (fully qualified in the areas of grammer, spelling and photoshop with portfolio to prove this.)
Marx-man...have you even created a photoshop tutorial before? I'm not looking for a 15 page, 100 step tutorial with 100 screencaps.
Here are some examples of the type of tutorials I'm looking for that took me between 30 minutes to an hour to make:
You may or may not think they are crap, but they are acceptable by my standards for $10/each.
Marx-man wrote:
Ya see why people are saying things like
"insane thread"
"Slave labour"
No, I don't. 30 minutes to 1 hour per tutorial = $10 to $20 per hour. That's not slave labor, that's a decent wage in many states and places around the world. If the cost of living is higher where you live, then simply ignore my post and move on.
Marx-man wrote:
baring in mind that a logo costs the average client anything upto 150 quid but a tutorial is instructional which would work out as a lot more.
Because if joe public can do a graphics designers job it would be bad for buisness...
See the main problem.
The only problem I see is that you believe it takes a "professional" photoshopper 2 hours to make a simple one page tutorial. If you are not a professional photoshopper, then it may take longer, but at least you will get paid something for learning photoshop as you create the tutorials.
Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:37 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: I Don't Believe in TUTORIALS. (They've brought me heartache and embarrassment (specially when I do them in small closed spaces)).
But I DO believe in YOU, Chopper! 
Thanks Rein, and as always I believe in YOU! 
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Geeeez..STFU and Create a Tutorial! ....or don't
Chopper made you an offer that you can refuse....
Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:40 pm Reply with quote
10 bucks? What a joke. I can eat a couple of times at McDonalds with that.
10 bucks for the right to display... sure. 10 bucks for exclusive rights? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:08 am Reply with quote
Sassy wrote: Geeeez..STFU and Create a Tutorial! ....or don't
Chopper made you an offer that you can refuse....
Thanks Sassy! My sentiments exactly. 
Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:15 am Reply with quote
Death of a Clown wrote: 10 bucks? What a joke. I can eat a couple of times at McDonalds with that.
I see, so then by that logic, anyone who makes between $10 to $20/hour, then you think their wages are a joke. Nice!
And what is all the commossion about exclusive rights. If someone hired you to do a logo, would you tell them "Well, technically, it's my logo, but you can use it on your products for a nominal fee." That to me, is a joke.
Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:37 am Reply with quote
ok, well, it doesn't appear that anyone else will bite, but after looking at your examples, I'm pretty confident I could do something pretty good. Since I'm not a "professional," meaning I'm not yet making a living off of and solely doing graphic design as a full-time job, hell, I'll do something.
I probably won't be doing much else this weekend, so why not try and make a bit of extra cash? Good, none of you guys take Chopper up on this offer, all the work for me, right? Unless somebody comes to me offering me more than "slave wages" as you all are calling it, I don't have a problem doing these.
(As for the whole giving up rights to the tuts I make thing, I doubt they would be worth much more than 10 bucks anyway)
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:03 am Reply with quote
As a final note, I just want to say that if you go to,, and all the other freelance websites, then do a search for job bids and see what people are willing to pay for photoshop tutorials.
The bids always range from $5 to $20 per tutorial, where the vast majority of the authors are bidding at $10 per tutorial . These bids come from skilled graphic designers in the UK, United States, and India.
I can continue to get the tutorials made at these freelance websites, but I figured what would be the harm in finding some fellow PSC members who'd be interested.
Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:06 am Reply with quote
mason4300 wrote: ok, well, it doesn't appear that anyone else will bite, but after looking at your examples, I'm pretty confident I could do something pretty good.
Well, I've gotten bites. I've already received 4 responses by interested members via PM and email. If you are interested, we can continue discussing this via email. My email address is
Location: Livonia, Michigan
Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:04 am Reply with quote
Chopper wrote: volkswes wrote: color correction maybe overdone, but any color tuts from jerry have to be better than anything available elsewhere.........
I'll pay jerry some votes for any correction tuts 
True Wes, and I agree, without a doubt, Jerry is a true master of PS. So since you put it that way, I'm sold. I'm sure that the tutorial submission sites would accept the tutorial that Jerry creates based on quality alone and the fact that it surpasses the quality of the color correction tuts that are already listed there.
Jerry, if you would be willing to make me a color correction tut, then I'll pay ya $10 for it. Let me know if you are up for it.
Thanks Wes.
Chopper, I'm sure that I could put together some very unique stuff that has not been done as tut's before. I have invented many techniques for image correction and would be more than willing to share. I just need to spend some time searching for some good (bad) originals to work with. I've never really put together a real tut before but it isn't that hard to do. Would you want them in PDF form?
_________________ Contemplate this on the tree of woe. -Thulsa Doom
Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:03 pm Reply with quote
Chopper wrote: Marx-man wrote: Ok so basically you want to pay a professional member of this forum.
Oooh, a professional member? Can I be one of those? I'm tired of being an amateur member.
The way I see it,
I'm with Ranier on this one...And I may try to set one up...T-R-Y.
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Photoshop Tutorial Authors wanted. $10 per tutorial. - Reply to topic
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