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Location: Brazil

Post Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:06 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx-Man wrote:
Morality... what i think others want me to do and dont do.

hmmm... no... quitting psc maybe... not morality though...


TheShaman wrote:
fine fine! I'm an idiot!


Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:58 am   Reply with quote         



Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:08 pm   Reply with quote         

Sassy wrote:
This is one of the Comments from the One who posted it...

Nicola and everyone thank you so much for your kind comments. I thought it was a wonderful "good news" story too. However, as I said in the beginning it came from my friend Joy. Her daughter is Merideth and yes they are outstanding people and I am honored to call Joy "friend". After she sent this to me, I asked her permission to share it with all of you. I guess I was in a rush and forgot the quotes.

OK so its true so the Moral of the story is..

"Practice Random acts of Kindness" cause you never know how far it can really go..I have a true story of one of my random acts of Kindness do you?? if not its not to late to still do one Very Happy GO FOR IT!

I was at a gas station one day and watched as a Police Cruise Pushed an old beater car into the gas station as it had run out of gas and the lady driving looked haggard and beat with 5 kids in the car all looking in need of a good meal,guess the cop felt compassion for did I, he got her to a pump and took off she got out and was counting her pennies (literally) I went over and asked her if she was ok and she just Lost it completely,she had left an abusive relationship literally with the clothes on her and the kids backs...I swiped my credit card and filled her tank then took them over to McDonalds and bought alot of double hamburgers and drinks for them along with gift certificates to get them to her sisters..I let her call her sister on my cell phone to let her know she was trying to get there and the sister agreed to meet her at a designated hotel where she booked them a room untill she could get there..I gave her a 50.00 bill and sent them on their way....all this cost me around 100.00

the look of gratitude and being called an Angel...Priceless!

Hmmmm....this story of your act of kindness sounds a lot like this one.


Location: Tripping the lights Fandango

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:18 pm   Reply with quote         

It does sound similar...but mine in a real story and not undetermined that one is undetermined and the reason I thought to swipe my card for her to fill up is because a patient of mine had told me they had done it for someone with a beater car that looked like they need a bit of hope in their lives and they don't live in Denver ...and the Mc Donalds was right next door to the gas station so with all do respect(?) Mr. Alias or Newbie don't tarnish the thread go sit in the corner with Marx please... Surprised

Like word games? Are you Witty?

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:19 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx-Man wrote:
Morality... what i think others want me to do and dont do.

Say what i think. if its harsh.
its probably true...

i probably would have forwarded it to a priest
instead of making mysef feel mightier than thou by mascarading as a divine being...


WHA? should be a new rule...NO POSTING IN A THREAD UNLESS YOU HAVE SUBMITTED 10 IMAGES...Just like for voting.

I don't give me that song and dance about..."Oh...I'm soooo busy...I don't have time to chop...I only have time to go into threads and say stupid s**t...time I could better use chopping if I wanted to actually be considered a member of this site..."
This type of thing might fly on that other site, but not here.
Arc? Do you care to add more?


Location: Tripping the lights Fandango

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:43 pm   Reply with quote         

DP said:
" should be a new rule...NO POSTING IN A THREAD UNLESS YOU HAVE SUBMITTED 10 IMAGES...Just like for voting."

I don't give me that song and dance about..."Oh...I'm soooo busy...I don't have time to chop...I only have time to go into threads and say stupid s**t...time I could better use chopping if I wanted to actually be considered a member of this site..."
This type of thing might fly on that other site, but not here.
Arc? Do you care to add more?[/quote]


Like word games? Are you Witty?

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:51 pm   Reply with quote         

Thanks digitalpharaoh. That was a good one. Damn, wish I said it Wink.


Location: Brazil

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:04 pm   Reply with quote         

digitalpharaoh wrote:
Arc? Do you care to add more?

Not at all my friend! Twisted Evil

but I'm afraid every word we say may be useless... the guy is the master in chopping AND morality. How can we EVER compete with such greatnessful soul? or should I say greatnessfool... pardon my English, oh almighty Lord Marx!! *knees and covers face in shame*

We all should just go back to our little insignificant lives, once we'll never reach the human redemption like Lord Marx did... I think I should start a new religion, where Marx-man created God... and the rest would be like usual.

Who cares about learning PS? It won't lead us anywhere. We can't get even close to Lord Marx knowledge about PS!

When I think of Marx-man, I remember the wise words of Tyler Durden (that is not so wise as Marx-man, but knows what he says): "I say, let me never be complete... I say, may I never be content... deliver me from swedish furniture... deliver me from clever arts... deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth... I say, you have to give up..."

And with this, I conclude my statement... for the ears of Marx-man... for everyone else's ears, what I have to say is shorter... just a few words to express my feelings about what the superior being known as Marx-man should do...



TheShaman wrote:
fine fine! I'm an idiot!

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:39 pm   Reply with quote         


Location: Tripping the lights Fandango

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:45 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx Man I have watched you dig yourself into a hole since post one.I never said a negative word to you or about you,I just watched and waited.I was waiting for you to post entries as they speak louder then words on a CHOP site.If your only intent is to creat Kaos in the Forums then you are in the wrong place,and since that is all you seem to do is post and create animosity my suggestion is you STFUAC sum ting!! Shocked

For Newbies reading this it is really a great place to chop and play and learn and as long as you don't pop in here acting like you are the Chopper King know it all you will be warmly recieved by the group.. Cool

Like word games? Are you Witty?

Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:33 pm   Reply with quote         

Twisted Evil

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing



Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:40 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx-Man wrote:
Angels? God?


Sombodys been busy.

Cant say I approve with the whole instilling religion onto a child whos incapable of thinking otherwise.

Evil or Very Mad

But who am I to argue... good luck with a new pet.

Hope it lasts longer than the previous one...
and so on.

where does it mention you??? and thus your crusade started

lets face it you were itchin to have a go...

Twisted Evil


Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:43 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx, please refer to replies by myself and Arc. You were the one who took a simple thread and turned it into something way off the beaten usual.

(beating a dead horse, again I'm afraid.)



Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:45 pm   Reply with quote         

digitalpharaoh wrote:
Marx, please refer to replies... blablabla

I stopped paying attention when my sig turned red. of course i dunno how log that will last...

Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil

its about when ii said *snap*



Location: here

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:03 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx-Man wrote:
I stopped paying attention when my sig turned red...

now whats that again? did he switch to destruction mode? Shocked

Take it easy!

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