oregongal wrote:
One other thing to keep in mind about gas prices. Since we're a republic made up of 50 states, each can require their own gas blends. We've not built any refineries for many, many years, so the cost of refining gas blends for each states requirements gets very spendy.
Not to mention how each states define their own gas taxes to be used in the "general fund". That raises prices as well.
The other thing to watch for, is the new gasahol blends are super hard on rings and gaskets for vehicles not designed for them. I think particularly hard on home equipment, like lawn mowers, etc. The alcohol will turn them to goo.
Just MHO

I have friends that work at the petroleum pumping station in Junction City Wisconsin (Koch Petroleum). This station pumps to, I believe, 9 of the Midwestern states.
They tell me that the "blends" are done by pumping from multiple tanks of standard grades at the same time and not done at the refinery level.
The standard blends are viewable
here if you're interested.
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey