BlueLurker wrote:
We never needed prizes before to get choppers interested, it was for the comradship and the chance to mix it with the best for no other reason that because it was thats the missing element in the new site now...a sense of fun and comradeship...dont get me wrong we all make frindes here and chat and stuff but when was the last time some one here said...that was so much fun lets do it again...
Prizes we dont need no stinkin prizes we need the heart back into PSC.
Think ya nailed it, Blurker...and it's sad to hear but TRUTH it seems.
The scroll brought a lot of members together...and I think Micose Day brought ppl together and most had a lot of fun. The Head to Head comp was terrific w/ all the funny threads, your Loser's Lounge, etc, etc.... was it the new chat that killed us? Old members visiting the site and not finding anyone they know in an empty chat area?
Was an email sent out to all PSC members for this event? I didn't get one...
Lots of questions I'm throwin' out here...any answers?